DIY porcelain flowers. How to make cold porcelain with your own hands: competition from Chinese craftsmen

Graceful and durable products made of cold porcelain outwardly resemble ordinary porcelain, in practice they have little in common. Despite the fact that the Japanese have been familiar with it for more than five thousand years, it has spread across Europe recently. Properly prepared porcelain looks fragile and translucent, but in fact, very durable gizmos are obtained from it. In addition, it is completely safe and easy to use.

Preparing the material at home is as easy as shelling pears, and even a child can handle modeling. We invite you to take our master class "How to make cold porcelain".


You don't need any special tools to master the craft. If you are not going to become a professional sculptor, get by with improvised means.

Use rulers, knitting needles, nail files as stacks. Fasten the bead on a toothpick: with this simple device it is convenient to roll the material to the desired thickness.

To sculpt some gizmos, texture molds are needed. Unexpected things can act in their role. For example, real plants and flowers will help to create a beautiful petal or leaf.

cooking recipes

Homemade cold china can be made in a number of ways, using ingredients you probably already have at home.

No recipe is complete without starch. It is best to use corn: the material will turn out to be more elastic, weightless and transparent. Potato will give a grayish tint and visual heaviness. Suitable for modeling jewelry, figurines.

Cooking without heat treatment

Send two tablespoons of starch and a tablespoon of vaseline oil to the container, mix. Drop a little vaseline oil and a pinch of regular soda. Pour in two tablespoons of PVA glue and mix well.

with heat treatment

Mix in a bowl a glass of starch, one tablespoon each of baby cream, vaseline oil and petroleum jelly. Pour in a teaspoon of citric acid and 100 (if necessary, a little more) milliliters of PVA glue. Cook the "dough" over low heat until a dense lump is obtained.

Alternative recipe

Mix in a bowl 150 milliliters of PVA glue, a teaspoon of glycerin and oily hand cream, pour in 100 milliliters of water. Start cooking cold porcelain.

Bring the "dough" to a smooth consistency over low heat. Pour in 200 grams of starch. Stir constantly while cooking. When the mass begins to form a lump, remove it from the heat. The second part of the preparation is the same for all recipes.

Moisten the towel and put the future porcelain on it. After waiting for it to partially cool, proceed to kneading. At this stage, various dyes can be added. Both food and synthetic ones are suitable, the main thing is that they do not cause allergies.

Wrap the elastic mass in polyethylene and put it in the refrigerator. Start creating the next day: porcelain should rest. Without delay, start washing the pan until the remnants of the material have dried on the walls.

Cooking errors

Good cold porcelain will be elastic, easy to mold. An error in the dosage of starch, in particular its excess, will lead to excessive rigidity of the material. It will be inconvenient to pinch off pieces from such a mass.

If you see inclusions of starch in the "dough", do not rush to throw it away: add a little PVA and knead the material again. Having achieved the desired elasticity, wrap the "dough" in polyethylene and put it in the refrigerator for a day.

If the material turned out to be sticky, hardly holding its shape, not plastic, liquid glue is to blame (you may have used clerical PVA), an insufficient amount of plasticizer. You can try to cook porcelain until the required qualities appear. If this does not help, you will have to repeat the preparation with a better glue.

The quality of the adhesive is largely a fundamental factor in the final result. Because of it, the finished product may crack. Building glue with a plasticizer is best suited.

Properly prepared cold porcelain does not stick to hands and surfaces. If, even after thorough kneading, the mass does not want to take the required shape, it hardly lags behind the film, it means that it lacks glycerin or petroleum jelly. They are responsible for getting rid of excess moisture and plasticity of the material.

The material loses its shape, tends to fall off? Add some starch to thicken the "dough".

Speed ​​up the drying of the craft by using a hair dryer or microwave. A slightly preheated oven will also help. If you are not in a hurry, just turn the piece occasionally to dry it on all sides.

Coloring crafts

At the kneading stage, add pigment or water-soluble paint to the mass: tempera, gouache, acrylic.

Powdery dyes (including food ones) will help to color the molded part. Apply them to the craft and hold over the steam, allowing the color to soak in.

To draw details on the finished product, use a thin brush and paints. Please note: when dry, water-soluble ones will fade slightly, while oil ones will retain their brightness and saturation.

Look at photos of cold porcelain gizmos: what amazing and stunningly beautiful things you can create with a little effort and imagination!


Naturally, the craft will dry in 1-7 days. Putting it in a slightly preheated oven will speed up the process.

Do not be alarmed when the product shrinks a little after drying: it should be so. Consider future shrinkage during the sculpting process.

Benefits of work

Surprisingly, this is true: modeling from cold porcelain will bring into the world not only a beautiful product, but will also have a positive effect on the well-being of bones and joints. It will improve blood and lymph circulation, alleviate seasonal exacerbations of arthritis, arthrosis and gout. Working with small details will improve fine motor skills and calm the nervous system.

Modeling is a very exciting process that is not difficult even for beginners. Let your first work be cold porcelain flowers, a bird, an animal, jewelry. By increasing the level of skill, you will be able to perform elements that require more delicate work.

Use our simple instructions for beginners to sculpt from cold porcelain so that creativity brings only positive emotions!

DIY cold porcelain photo

There are no clear boundaries in creativity, everyone chooses a hobby according to their desire and abilities. If there is a predisposition to modeling, then you can stop at cold porcelain compositions. For many, this is something new, since the name itself sounds unusual. However, it is much more convenient to work with such material than with plasticine or clay. It is more plastic more accessible and cheaper. This type of applied modeling is becoming more and more popular. And the resulting products are admired for their lightness and sophistication.

Cold material is easy to make at home. This will require a standard set of ingredients: glycerin, glue, oil, starch. The composition was invented at the beginning of the 20th century in Argentina. Our country also loved him. Only recently have new, improved, cooking options begun to appear. The mass, initially soft, later hardens.

For what kind of work can cold porcelain be used? You can make New Year's toys from it - this year the pig was a favorite model - and bouquets of flowers, large paintings and small pictures, wall panels and figurines, even decorative dishes can be made from this wonderful material. In addition, cold porcelain is increasingly being used to make jewelry - cool brooches are very well made from it.

Master class on making cold porcelain at home

Before starting the master class, aimed at teaching the modeling of all kinds of porcelain crafts, we are preparing the material. The main thing is to observe the technology and values. The sequence of actions is as follows:

Gallery: cold porcelain crafts (25 photos)

Cold porcelain jewelry, a step-by-step master class

Let's try with our own hands make a ring with roses. Required list of consumables:

  • cold porcelain;
  • adhesive composition;
  • toothpicks;
  • foam or any sponge composite.

The first thing we start with is rolling the ball. We pull it out in the form of a drop, and stick a toothpick into the lower part. This will turn out to be a blank, with which we will continue to work. We make such details in the amount that there will be roses. So that they have time to get stronger, we make them in advance.

Let's move on to the petals. And also, we roll a spherical shape, flatten it between the palms, and we get a petal. We model the edge area at the discretion, it can be wavy or even. The only thing is that the edge should be an order of magnitude thinner than the central part.

To fix it on the core, glue is pre-applied and pressed effortlessly. Acting in this way, we increase the flower head to the required size. Do not forget to bend the petals outward a little to get an openwork border.

After a daily exposure, the rose will finally harden. We fix the resulting composition on any ring with epoxy glue. Cold porcelain jewelry looks unusual and stylish, giving additional charm. When falling, they will have nothing. Cold porcelain does not break and is difficult to break.

Storage recommendations for cold porcelain items

Despite the availability and versatility of the material, it requires certain conditions of detention. Close proximity to water and direct exposure to sunlight is unacceptable. It should be remembered that this is polymer clay, which tends to become limp when damp. And from excessive lighting, loses its color. Therefore, it is better to place ceramic bouquets away from the sun. Window sills are excluded.

In a room with such products, it is necessary to observe the optimal temperature regime. In extreme cold, moisture particles inside crystallize, which leads to the destruction of the structure. Drying out in the heat, which causes damage to the external exterior.

Some put varnish on the surface. This technique helps to provide protection from any external factors.

What can be made from cold porcelain

The range of crafts is huge, it's up to imagination and practical skills. It is better for beginners to master science from simpler elements, making separate notes for better assimilation. Little fashionistas can be advised on various jewelry: rings, hairpins, brooches, etc. . This kind of decoration look quite original and extraordinary. It will be interesting if small children are involved in the process. Joint work on cartoon characters will bring a lot of joy. And the heroes made with their own hands will be a wonderful decoration for a children's interior.

Making products from cold porcelain is available to anyone. This type of business does not require almost any initial investment and special skills. The main thing is the presence of a certain amount of free time and desire.

Our business valuation:

Starting investment - 10,000 rubles.

Market saturation is low.

The complexity of starting a business is 2/10.

What is cold porcelain?

Cold porcelain is a special mixture for decorative modeling, consisting of starch, a binder, glycerin and oil. It was invented almost a century ago in Argentina. Today it is one of the most harmless and practical materials for modeling. In addition, it has a very low cost. Its advantages should also include a smooth and uniform texture, high plasticity and ease of use.

Figurines made of cold porcelain, flowers, jewelry, photo frames and panels are in consistently high demand. The technique for using this material is very simple. Cold porcelain modeling is suitable for both adults and children. After solidification, the mass becomes solid, which distinguishes it favorably from plasticine. Cooking cold porcelain at home does not require special equipment or expensive ingredients. All components for the preparation of the mixture can be purchased at nearby stores.

cooking recipes

On the topic of how to make cold porcelain from starch with your own hands, you can find many different training video courses and master classes on the net. All of them can be divided into 2 large categories. The first are recipes that require cooking, the second are cooking methods without heat treatment. The most common recipes are detailed below.


Cooking cold porcelain according to the classic recipe implies mandatory cooking. To prepare it, you will need the following:

  1. PVA glue in the amount of 1 kg.
  2. Starch 500 grams. You can use any - potato, corn or rice. The latter gives the most white mass.
  3. 1 tablespoon of citric acid. It can also be replaced with a similar amount of stearic acid or sodium benzoate.
  4. 2 tbsp. tablespoons of glycerin
  5. 3 art. spoons of vaseline.

Cooking porcelain according to this recipe begins with mixing all the ingredients. To do this, it is best to use a container with a non-stick coating and a wooden spatula. After thorough mixing, the dishes are placed on a very low fire, and even better in a water bath.

At first, the consistency of the mass will resemble a liquid cream. After 20-25 minutes of continuous stirring, it will begin to thicken. In this case, at first small lumps resembling cottage cheese are formed, then it will completely gather into one large lump.

This lump must be removed from the container and wrapped in a damp piece of cloth. After the temperature of the mass allows you to pick it up, you can start kneading. It looks like kneading dough for dumplings or dumplings.

A sign of the readiness of porcelain is a smooth and uniform texture. As soon as he acquires the necessary signs, kneading is stopped. For further storage, the mass is placed in a plastic bag.

Cold porcelain flowers and other crafts often require the mass to be dyed in different colors. To do this, you can use food coloring or even ordinary lipstick. They are introduced into the mass at the stage of kneading.

Without cooking

You can cook cold porcelain without heating. In terms of its properties, it is no worse than the classic one. The recipe for cold porcelain without cooking is as follows:

  • potato starch 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • vaseline 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • baking soda on the tip of a knife;
  • 2-3 teaspoons of PVA glue.

Vaseline starch and soda are thoroughly mixed. In this case, the utensils for mixing should be glass or plastic. The mass sticks to it much less. At the end of kneading, PVA glue begins to be added to the mass until the mixture thickens properly.

In order for the mass to acquire the necessary properties, it must be finally kneaded. To do this, it is placed on a flat plastic surface. So that the mixture does not stick to the hands, they are smeared with baby cream or petroleum jelly.

Cold porcelain prepared without boiling can be used immediately after kneading. Various decor, panels or bouquets of flowers are made from it.

Tools and materials for working with cold porcelain

Tools for making cold porcelain products can be purchased at various online stores. Their range is quite extensive. In the same place, if necessary, you can buy cold porcelain for modeling.

Consider the most popular of them:


Special devices in the form of sticks. The ends can be pointed, rounded or with a ball. The more stacks, the more options for crafting. For example, to create small forget-me-nots or lilacs, you will need a stack with a diameter of 4-5 mm at one end and 1.5-2 mm at the other. If for some reason it is not possible to purchase ready-made stacks, knitting needles, sticks from a Chinese restaurant, and similar items are quite suitable for work.

Roller knife

The main purpose of roller knives is to cut finished parts from rolled layers. Also, with their help, you can make various recesses, for example, for running in flower stems. Roller knives can be made of plastic or metal. The former are much cheaper than the latter, but they are absolutely short-lived. Their use is justified for beginners. For professional use, it is better to choose knives made of steel.


Molds for cold porcelain are quite expensive. But they can greatly simplify the manufacturing process. In fact, these are prints from finished petals, leaves or other elements. Their main purpose is to give the maximum possible resemblance to a living object. Bouquets made of cold porcelain made using molds look very realistic. For example, an artificial orchid made using this technology is practically indistinguishable from a natural one. In summer, molds can be replaced with live leaves or petals, but in winter you can’t do without them.

You can make molds yourself from improvised materials, for example, from plasticine and silicone sealant. To do this, a small layer is rolled out of plasticine, on which an imprint of the necessary leaf is made. A small border is formed around it. Silicone sealant is poured into an impromptu mold. In its absence, you can use epoxy resin.

After the poured material has completely hardened, the plasticine is carefully removed. The necessary mold is ready. With the help of such blanks from cold porcelain, you can make a variety of flowers: peonies, tulips or snowdrops.


Cutters are special molds for making identical parts. With their help, various decorations are made from cold porcelain. For example, cutters are used to make petals, leaves, geometric shapes. To make the details look as realistic as possible, especially when creating colors, each element should be given individual features. Ready-made cutters are quite expensive, but on the net you can find a master class on how to make them yourself from improvised materials.

pasta machine

Flexible cold porcelain must be rolled out before use. To simplify this process, there are special rolling machines. They help to significantly save time and get layers that are perfectly even in thickness without unnecessary deformations and imprints. During rolling, porcelain is placed between layers of a special protective film. This prevents the material from sticking to the sheeting rollers of the machine.

Other auxiliary tools

In addition to professional tools, when working with cold porcelain, you will need a number of other tools. For example, the master should always have various wire cutters and side cutters on hand. Also, when working with small parts, you will need tweezers. Almost all of these tools can be purchased at regular hardware stores.


To fasten small parts in the process, you will definitely need glue. For example, it will not work to make paintings from cold porcelain without using it. It will also be required when fastening individual elements of flowers.

When working with cold porcelain, you can use latex glue, after drying it becomes completely transparent. It should be borne in mind that its use requires some skill, since it does not seize immediately, but only after a while. For beginners, in this case, you can recommend the usual second glue.


Crafts from cold porcelain in most cases require painting. You can introduce the dye even at the stage of kneading, you can also color already finished products. Oil-based paints are well suited for mixing into the mass. Also, some masters use acrylic dyes in their work. When using the latter, it is worth considering that they are made on a water basis. Accordingly, the mass with their addition will dry much faster.

The technology for making cold porcelain is not particularly difficult. But, despite this, there are some secrets in this case:

  1. You can not store the finished mass in the cold.
  2. After preparation, the mass should rest for a day.
  3. To prevent the finished products from cracking, the mass should be kneaded very carefully.
  4. To prevent porcelain from sticking to your hands during work, use baby cream.
  5. To make cold porcelain roses look as realistic as possible, they should be painted after production. This rule applies to other colors as well. In this case, coloring should use dry food paints. They are applied with a brush to the surface of the products, and then held over the steam. Under its influence, the dye is well absorbed into the surface.

How to organize a market for finished products?

Handmade products, that is, handmade, are now at the peak of their popularity. That is why, with the right marketing organization, a cold porcelain business can bring a good income.

Floral arrangements, brooches, various jewelry and even mugs are in good demand. Not everyone is ready to spend a lot of time on their independent production. Most prefer to pay a certain amount and enjoy the exclusive.

For example, cold porcelain dolls are popular among collectors. This plastic and malleable material allows you to create almost any image with almost 100% realism.

If you wish, you can also create your own website with an online store. This approach will help to put sales on stream. To attract additional visitors to it, you can even organize small copyright modeling courses from cold porcelain.

The payback of products from cold porcelain is quite large. Their manufacture is quite labor intensive. Therefore, the finished work should cost at least 10 times more than the materials used.

Porcelain products have always been admired. Now you can model cold porcelain crafts yourself at home. And for the preparation of the material, we need quite affordable components: glue, food starch, liquid glycerin and an oil base.

Products from cold porcelain: manufacturing features

Recently, this type of applied art is gaining great popularity. You can model a variety of cold porcelain crafts with your own hands at your leisure. The main thing is to properly prepare the consumables and observe some design features of the craft:

  • to prepare cold porcelain, use PVA glue (2/3 tbsp), table starch (1 tbsp), liquid glycerin (1 tsp) and water (1/2 tbsp.);
  • all components in the indicated proportions are mixed in a container and heated until the mass thickens;
  • the heated mass must first be laid out on a towel or napkin moistened with ice water;
  • cold porcelain should be kneaded with your hands, the surface is sprinkled with table starch;
  • to make the mixture elastic, before kneading, hands must be greased with a fat cream;
  • cold porcelain remains elastic for two days;
  • to give it the desired shade, you can use any food coloring;
  • to form blanks, you need to use templates;
  • each detail should be thoroughly dried so that the craft retains its shape;
  • if you paint any elements of the craft separately, be sure to hold them over the steam so that the dye is evenly distributed over the surface.

Crafts for beginners

If you are just interested in this direction of needlework and want to make real masterpieces of art from cold porcelain, start with simple crafts. For example, make a hand-made gift for a loved one. As you master all aspects of cold porcelain sculpting, you will be able to complicate the task and design exquisite models of various figures.

Learning to make porcelain peonies

Let's first try to make an original peony. By the way, you can make one voluminous flower or show your imagination and create a beautiful bouquet. To do this, you need to purchase a number of floral attributes, in particular, teip tape, boutonniere bases, multi-colored ribbons.

Necessary materials:

  • porcelain cold pink and green;
  • scissors;
  • flower stem sticks;
  • template forms.

Step by step description of the process:

  1. If you don’t have pink porcelain on hand, you can mix white and red.
  2. Now we divide the cold pink porcelain into 20 small pieces and 12 large ones.
  3. With your fingers or with the help of a teaspoon, we begin to model the petals.
  4. Be sure to press them to make a bulge. We should get 20 small and 12 large petals.
  5. We glue all the small petals together in pairs in a row. In total, we should get 10 paired petals.
  6. Next, we place all the blanks with the curved side towards us and begin to form a fan.
  7. We connect all paired petals with each other, fixing them slightly overlapping.
  8. We twist the resulting blank into a flower in a spiral, slightly pressing the cold porcelain.
  9. We also overlap large petals around the circumference of the flower. The convex side should be outside.
  10. We put our flower aside for the time being and proceed to modeling the leaves.
  11. We lay out cold porcelain of green or salad color on a special template and press it so that scars form.
  12. Gently bend the leaf with your fingers so that it acquires a slightly pointed shape.
  13. Next, we string the flower blank onto a floristic stick. In this form, we leave the flower to dry for a day.
  14. When the porcelain hardens well, add leaves to our flower, decorate the stem with ribbons and form a bouquet.
  15. Here is such an original peony bouquet you can get.

Exquisite poppies: master class

As you already understood, porcelain must be prepared by heat treatment. But you can choose a simpler option and make cold porcelain without heat treatment with your own hands. Crafts without cooking from such material do not differ in their texture and elasticity.

All you need is to take food starch and petroleum jelly and grind them until a homogeneous mixture is formed. Then it is necessary to add oil glycerin to the resulting mass and spread PVA glue in small portions, kneading cold porcelain. Let's try to prepare such material and make an original poppy flower out of it.

Necessary materials:

  • porcelain cold red, black and green;
  • scissors;
  • foil;
  • toothpick;
  • rolling pin

Step by step description of the process:

Ceramic floristry came from the Land of the Rising Sun, where craftsmen created amazing flowers and figurines more than five thousand years ago. Cold porcelain appeared in Argentina, today this material allows you to create do it yourself unique interior items, decorations. Visually, it is similar to porcelain, but hardens in air. Children can also create souvenirs and accessories from such material. It is inexpensive, safe for health, plastic, easy to work with. This is a great hobby that promotes the development of imagination, perseverance.

cold porcelain recipe

Masters involved in this type of work develop their own recipe over time. For beginners, an option that includes standard components is suitable.

You'll need:

  • Take 200 gr. corn starch or use potato starch.
  • You will need 150 gr. PVA glue to connect the parts of the product.
  • Some recipes include water, but its excessive amount leads to cracking of finished products and destruction.
  • Glycerin is necessary to impart plasticity to the mass.
  • Be sure to take care of the presence of hand cream. When working, it is necessary so that the material does not stick to the hands.
  • Sometimes masters add citric acid to the composition, which helps to increase the shelf life of the finished product.

Important! Corn starch makes products light, transparent, and your figures and compositions from potato starch will look heavier.

We mix everything in a container, except for the starch, and put it on the stove over a slow fire. The mass should be constantly stirred so that it does not burn. After obtaining a homogeneous mixture, add starch. The mass is ready when it begins to fall behind the dishes. It is easier to cook the material in a water bath, this method allows you to get a more homogeneous mass.

Today, craftswomen also use a microwave to obtain a homogeneous material. To do this, the mixture is placed in an oven in a glass dish and a timer is set for 30 seconds. After the specified time, the mass is removed from the microwave and mixed. The procedure is repeated until the material of the desired consistency is obtained.

We spread the raw materials on a cloth soaked in water, and pour water into the pan to make it easier to clean. Hot material is kneaded in a towel. When it cools down, you can knead it in your hands so that the raw materials do not stick; sprinkle your hands with starch. During the implementation of this procedure, we add a pigment to the mass to color the raw materials. After that, porcelain is placed in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. Raw materials must stand for a day before starting work with it.

There is a method that does not require cooking. The resulting material is not inferior to boiled raw material in terms of plasticity. To do this, take potato starch and grind it with petroleum jelly. Starch should be twice as much as vaseline. In the process of mixing, a pinch of soda is added to the mixture, glue is gradually poured in, the mass is brought to the required density. Then continue to knead the mass with your hands, smeared with cream.


You do not need to go to the store and purchase many expensive tools and fixtures. Everything you need to get the job done is often already at hand. Knitting needles and other metal objects available in the house can be used as stacks. You will need a metal ball on a leg to roll out the material to a certain thickness. For such purposes, take a bead and fix it well on a toothpick. Special textural devices (molds) are replaced by ordinary leaves or petals of living plants.

List of tools, materials:

  • Rolling pin for rolling.
  • Scissors.
  • Round nose pliers are essential when creating jewelry using fittings.
  • Tweezers will help to cope with small details.
  • Pliers will help straighten or bend thick wire.
  • Stacks.
  • Paints for coloring the material in the desired color. You can use different types, but professionals prefer oil paints. There is no water in their composition, they do not dry out quickly, they are easy and convenient to work with.
  • Decorative cosmetics.
  • Gloves.
  • A cutting board on which it is convenient to knead the mass with your hands, roll out the material.
  • Food film for storing material.
  • Wet wipes.
  • Tape tape will help connect the parts to the frame. The wires are pulled together with double-sided adhesive tape to obtain a neat stem from the plant.
  • Wire for assembling products may need different diameters. The choice depends on the type of flower, its size.
  • PVA glue perfectly connects raw parts or a raw part with an already dried component. But if you need to glue two dried parts, use glue moment.
  • Molds are imprints of a leaf or petal, they are necessary to give realism to flowers.

Many tools are easy to find at home, if something is missing, then buying them today is not a problem.

How to determine that the received material is of poor quality?

It is difficult for novice craftsmen to immediately determine how well the raw materials were kneaded, and whether the resulting material is suitable for work. Here are some disadvantages:

  • If the finished porcelain is hard with obvious inclusions of starch, then you have added a lot of this component to the mixture. To fix the flaw, you need to add glue to the mass and knead it again.
  • If the resulting figurine does not hold its shape, then liquid glue was used or the mixture was not fully cooked. Try to cook the mass until the desired density is obtained. If this fails, then you need to buy another glue and start the work again.
  • After drying, cracking of products occurs, which indicates an excess of moisture in the mass.
  • If the raw material sticks to your hands, and nothing can be changed by prolonged kneading, then you forgot to add glycerin to the mixture.

The drying time of the product depends on its thickness and is 1-7 days. When drying, the figures must be turned over to avoid deformation of the products. To speed up the drying of the product, use a hair dryer or place it in the oven at a low temperature. You can also use the microwave to speed up the drying process.

Cold porcelain staining

The material can be dyed while kneading. For this, dry pigment, acrylic paints, gouache, etc. are used. Masters paint finished products. To do this, a brush is taken, and the paint is applied to the surface of the porcelain, then it is held over the steam. This is necessary for the dye to be absorbed. After staining on the finished product, adjustments are made with a thin brush. Water-soluble paints, when dried, fade, and oil paints do not lose their brightness. To change the color of the master use food coloring, chalk. Painting the surface of porcelain products begins after complete drying.

Decorations and interior items are molded from such material. You can decorate the nursery by creating fairy-tale characters from porcelain with your child. The frames, vases in the interior, decorated with stucco, look original. Flowers, animal figurines, interesting compositions will decorate the home. With the help of cold porcelain, it is easy to make a pleasant surprise for friends and relatives.

Features of products made from cold porcelain

When working with such material, it is important to consider the following:

  • After kneading, do not rush, the raw material is left for a day.
  • Immediately before sculpting, hands are smeared with cream.
  • Store the finished material in sealed packaging.

Porcelain products are beautiful, but it is better to store them away from moisture and direct sunlight. At temperatures below 10 °C, the structure of the material is destroyed. High temperatures lead to the drying of porcelain and the destruction of figurines. Protect products with varnish, such a coating will increase the service life, help maintain the brightness of colors.

Cold porcelain is an amazingly plastic material, from which craftsmen mold many interesting products. For decoration, use beads, threads, beads, shells, etc. To learn how to work with such material, you do not need specific knowledge or skills, even a child can cope with the work.

Cold porcelain sakura flower

Flowers bring joy to people. They are given for the holidays, grown on window sills and in front gardens. But the cut flower fades, and houseplants require care. Therefore, people were looking for ways to replace natural flowers and created artificial plants from beads, fabric, paper, and ceramics. Today, original cold porcelain flower arrangements that are easy to make on your own are popular.

Let's create a sakura flower. To do this, prepare the mass, divide into two components. One component remains white, and the second is painted in a pale pink color. Make blanks for the petals. The white component is thicker than the pink. They are connected together along the length, and then rectangles are cut from the resulting material.

After that, we proceed to sculpting the petals. The base will be pink, and the edges of the petal will be white. The finished petals are glued together with glue, a hole is made in the middle of the flower with a sharp object, where a wire stalk is then placed. Under the buds we have a sepal, with a green base and white edges. We fasten and place on the stem. Each branch is collected separately, and after drying, the composition is assembled.

To practice floristry, you need to be patient, developed finger motor skills will help in this matter, operations are performed carefully. These qualities will help to get realistic flowers, figurines and other products. The qualities listed above develop directly in the process of work, so the main component is the desire to create!

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