How money spoils man. Why do money spoil people and what is the reason? So, maybe they are quite

Maxim Vlasov

Dear friends, dear readers! I suggest you discuss in this article, very, in my opinion, important and extremely an interesting topic. This is the topic of big money. A lot of money, as some people think, or even, probably, most people think so - this is the money that change people mostly for the worse. And if something changes people, it is definitely related to psychology. So I can not not be interested in this issue. Moreover, in my life, like, probably, in the lives of most of you, examples of how the money spoiled people was not enough. However, I, watching these changes, made some other conclusions. I do not agree with the statement that the money spoils people! I believe that on the contrary, people spoil money! Therefore, I even correspond to my opinion to this article signed my name, because I myself came up with him. And in this article I will show you dear readersAnd what will have to be - I will prove exactly how, from my point of view, big money affects a person, and as a person affects the money. I think it will help us to understand yourself and other people themselves, without checking ourselves and other big money. After all, it will be better if you understand what kind of person you are before you have money than after. For in the latter case, your changes are often for the worst, including for you the side, can become irreversible.

So what makes money with people when there are a lot of them? To do this, let's think about the greater amount of money differs from a small amount. And everything is simple - a person with big money gets more opportunities, it can do the most. But how it will take advantage of these opportunities, it depends on his personal qualitieswhich in turn was formed due to the culture in which the man grew and lived. You can agree, with money, both large and small, can be disposed of differently. With their help, you can benefit yourself and others, but you can harm. Accordingly, with the help of small money you can cause a lot of harm to yourself and another, which is not so noticeable as the harm is larger, requiring large resources. Well, let's say a person enjoys smoking and drinking alcohol, thereby harming its body. Of course, this dubious pleasure can cost differently, but in any case it will bring harm to man. And if a person has a lot of money - does he not want to try to delve pleasure with the help of other means, the same drugs, for example? And this is even greater harm to his body. Or, if a person has a lot of money and he is nothing to do - he can have fun with extremely dangerous for him and other people in ways, for example, to arrange racing on cars, risking to get into an accident. Now, if he had no money, or rather, if he had few of them, he would be concerned about their earnings, and so, having a lot of money, he is engaged in dangerous to his life activities, thereby showing his low level of cultural Development and misunderstanding of life.

On the other hand, if we talk about the benefits of money, both large and small, then the difference will also be significant. Someone can help a small amount of money to another person to survive difficult times for him, and someone, having a lot of money, can build libraries, schools, hospitals, theaters and so on - by bringing this benefit to many people. Thus, the level of cultural development of a person is visible on what he spends his money - on cheap and harmful organism pleasure or means for self-development, on large yachts or socially significant objects. In short, money, both big and small - this is an opportunity for a person to show you and other who he is.

Money does not spoil people, even if it is very big money - they only allow them to be themselves, they are baptized by the lack of every person what they allow him to make a lot of what he used to do or was afraid to do. Of course, we can say that in this their role and is to allow a person to reveal his worst qualities. But after all, the best qualities in the presence of big money in humans can reveal, though, in a few. However, at the same time, for some reason we do not say that big money and in general money - do people better. Probably because it does not happen very often. It should be noted that, like bad and good qualities in a person can reveal and without money - for this you only need to create the appropriate conditions. For example, a person can provide power to which he can take advantage of both the good of others and in harm to them. Or a person may be in complex situation And to show yourself from a very bad side, just not wanting to sacrifice something or carry for something responsibility. Not in vain they say that a friend is known in trouble, because the trouble also denounces a person, like big money. Many people faced difficulties, with problems, with responsibility - give slack and behave extremely obscene. A very vivid example is when a man throws a woman with a small child, running away from difficulties, from responsibility, from hard work. So, as you can see - many things can change a person, both in the worse and in best side. Money is just one of the conditions in which a person can show itself from one side or another. And if we talk about money, the lack of money, poverty is also very badly affected by the behavior of people, as well as on their lives. Poverty is a real punishment for the overwhelming majority of people.

Let's now think about how people spoil money. And they spoil them as well, like all that they shift responsibility for their bad acts and their bad behavior. People create a very bad image, the fact that with their help cause more harm to each other than benefits. Although this statement can still argue, after all, to understand which harm causes people to each other with the help of money, you need to compare it with what harm they cause each other without money, that is, with the help of other means. However, many people manage big money so that it seems that there are more evil in the money than good. But given the fact that money is just a tool that cannot do anything without the participation of a person, it turns out that it is in a person more evil than good. It is unpleasant to realize, agree. And maybe it is incorrect logic. I do not want to think about people bad, or rather, I do not want to see in them more bad than good. But given how many people treat big money, or, for example, with great power, I can not not think that many of them would be helpful to limit in the possibilities so that they do not harm themselves and others. Maybe that's why we live on the planet with limited, not endless resources, and are forced, although it is not always effective, limit yourself to survive. After all, give a man everything he wants, and who knows that he will do. Therefore, I believe that big money is contraindicated to those who are not ripe for them. Here's how it is impossible to trust some people responsible work Or you can not allow them to manage vehicle Until a certain age and without certain knowledge, this is how too much money should not be given to those people who are not able to competently dispose of them. Similarly, it is impossible to allow too much power not enough wise people. Otherwise, we will get a "monkey with a grenade", which will definitely cause a lot of harm and yourself and others.

Meanwhile, the amount of money that man has, can say much about him. But not all! For example, it is not necessary to be very smart to earn big money. To do this, it is enough to be very flexible to be able to adapt to the requirements that the system presents to a person and thus be beneficial to it. Then you can take a good in the system, or as it is customary to say, the "warm" place and thanks to him to live well. Well, someone and at all became rich thanks to other people, for example, their parents who were given to him. So if a person has a lot of money, it is often optional that it has some outstanding abilities. But this does not mean that he does not possess them. In different cases, it happens differently. It is necessary to look at the person himself, - on his actions, judgments, actions in various situations, to understand what he represents himself, but only then already on the amount of money he possesses. Many somehow forget about it, preferring to judge a person on superficial signs. From that and mistaken often in their conclusions. It can also be said that a person who has little money is completely optionally stupid or lazy - simply his value system can contradict the requirements that are presented to successful, from the point of view of money mining, man. Here, say, if for a woman her children more importantly career, It is quite obvious that the most time she will be given to them, and therefore the opportunities to earn a lot of money from her will be much smaller than those women who fully dedicate themselves to work. At the same time, which is more important - children or money, every woman, as, however, and every man is decisive for himself.

So, I believe that in order for people to do not spoil money, or, if you want money to do not spoil people, we should do people themselves better. Then no, even very big money, will not be for a person a means of expressing negative traits of his character. After all, a person can asserted with the help of money quite a socially acceptable way, in which the desire for big money forces a person to disclose their talents and do something useful for other people. With this situation, big money will improve a person, and not worsen it. And according to my theory, a person will create a good idea of \u200b\u200bgreat money with his behavior. So I believe that it is necessary to increase the culture of people, and not only and not even so much to saturate their stomachs, in the broad sense of the word. After all, the material well-being of a person, without proper cultural education, will not make it better. Money in this sense, play an insignificant role. But cultural education is quite capable of improving every person, regardless of the quality of his life. Although, of course, you need to take care of both about the other.

The main thing is that we have to understand - we ourselves do ourselves and others as we are all. If you make an unnecessal materialist from a person, forming a relevant worldview and thus putting it a purely materialistic system of values, then for him the only good money will be the sake of which he will be ready for everything. He will not give a damn on his own children, on his parents, his wife or husband, in general, at all, - only money will be interested in it. And thus, with the help of appropriate education, or better to say, training, you will make a biological machine to make money on earning money, but kill a person who can enjoy life, and not just money, including from large money. Such a person, of course, will behave with other people as if they are not people, but a source of material benefits. It will not mean that he was born with such a person, this means that he became such thanks to the corresponding culture. That is, it makes no sense to blame the money or something else in how a person behaves, who is not very correct with other people from nature, and when there is a bad education and is capable of very immoral acts. If we do not work as a fit with human material or work incorrectly with it - we get the appropriate "product". I understand the idea of \u200b\u200bmaking peace and people better, not Nova. And in general, it is implemented throughout the history of mankind. People, even if not everyone, worked and work to improve themselves and others. These are mainly involved in those who understand how important this work is important. Do not be this work - we would have remained aggressive savages with barbaric culture and with the corresponding her low quality Life.

But it is necessary to understand that human nature does not change, only the environment is changing in which a person lives. Therefore, it is about it that we should take care in the first place, creating such a culture that will contribute to growing decent peopleYou can handle big money in our case. So everyone should remember about it when we begin to shift responsibility with yourself for money, arguing about their negative impact on a person. After all, we cannot refuse money, in any case, so far, and you don't need to do this, for there will be no money, there will be something else that a person will be able to use his negative personal qualities to splashing. But to change yourself and others we are not only forces, but I think it is necessary. Let not all of us can make a significant contribution to the global culture, but about the microculture in its own family We are all able to take care of the appropriate way.

When a person becomes better and learn to adequately handle big money, and to earn them will be useful for society in ways, then he will stop spoiling money with his bad behavior. He, on the contrary, will begin to glorify and exalt, as a very useful means of mutual exchange. And by themselves money, I repeat once again, do not change people, they only break the masks from them and expose their nature. Therefore, being in bad hands money makes bad things, and being in good good.

For a comfortable life, money is always needed, without them it is impossible to do in our life. All people seek good life and dream about it and some it turns out. As a result, they achieve large heights and become large people. However, not every one of them is good, because, as you know, the money has a property to spoil people.

Will the money spoil people?

If a person is kind and good for his nature, it will be difficult to spoil even big money. Such people having good income, try to help other people and this is certainly worthy of great respect. But, unfortunately, there are very few such people, mostly everyone thinks about themselves. And such people can also be understood, because this wealth also got not easy, they earned it on their own and mind, and they are not obliged to help someone. The desire to help people must come from the soul, and not for coercion or conviction. On the portal you can find more about money, their properties and their use.

If a person and without money was not the best, then big money will make it even worse, as it will feel real power. And I will forget about all your positive qualities, because they will not be needed in essence. He can no longer hide his essence, he will not have to pretend, because with big money he will be able to buy everything he needs. For example, false respect, fake friends, as well as fake love. Of course, this will not make it really happy and because of this, he will become more angry. He will not understand for what reason he is not happiness, because he also has everything for this. However, he will not be the most important thing, it is sincere attitude towards himself from other people. And this means that he will never be happy if it will further assume that for money you can buy everything and everyone. It must be remembered that real sincere friendship and love cannot be bought even for huge money.

No wonder the people say: that happiness is not at all money, and in order to be truly happy not necessarily be rich in financial Plan. If a person has a family, real friends, normal work, housing and surrounding sincere people are surrounded, then he is already a real rich. That's all you need for happiness, the main thing is to understand and learn to appreciate what is. Of course, quite without money live life will not succeed, but also a huge amount money It is absolutely optional.

Wealth is not in the money, but in the spiritual kindness of man. If a good person, then he can have a huge money, they will not spoil him in any way, he will not strive for power over people, he will help them, and evil people on it, unfortunately they are not capable of.

When people are richer, all their shortcomings get out out. They get used to impunity. When there is no money, a person is dependent on the bosses, on the help of friends and relatives, therefore behaves with respect to the surrounding more or less decent. And as soon as the cash appears, it is necessary to take care that you think about it, it becomes not necessary. So all the "dark sides" of character get out. After all, the rapidation of novels no. It's one thing if wealth has been gaining for many years if the money has been copied by the efforts of many generations. Then children try to give good upbringing, to instill the concept of honor and dignity. If a person, what is called, falls out of the dirt in the prince, he becomes unbearable. He immediately recalls the deprivation and humiliation, which he endured while he lived in poverty, and begins to revenge for them to humanity. No wonder the most cruel shiders appear from former slaves. Every rich, remembering how he was denied money or something else, at the first opportunity she tries to recoup on those who depends on it.

Nina, 50 years old, accountant

Unfortunately, money really spoil people. The fact is that with the help of bills you can solve very many problems. And when people understand this, they begin to believe that you can buy anything. They cease to think with any concepts except financial. At the same time, they are confident that everyone else is exactly the same. They should not be offended by a person, shank, insult, and then instead of an apology, put a banknote in the hands. I have a chef. He is related to the staff as a garbage. And quite sure that we must happily tolerate his frills just because we have a good salary. See what our oligarchs are doing. They have the latest concepts about decency disappeared. And why limit ourselves, if, what happens that, you can patch anything with anything with money.

Svetlana, 45 years old, housewife

Anton, 44 years old, driver

When people appear money, they quickly forget about how poor were. They immediately begin to despise those who have less prosperity. Rich are constantly knocked into some castes, believing that everyone who cannot boast the same state is not the people at all. At the same time, for some reason, they forget that their states are htched or by pure chance, or not quite honest. After all, everyone who in our country is rich lately, or stole something, or just found himself in the right place at the right time. You can't do a quick and honest money. However, pathos from this rich is no less. As soon as the wallet is cash, people begin to consider themselves better around others and throw it. Even if at the same time they are engaged in charity, they do it with contempt. We throw the handout, but at the same time they believe that people who they help do not deserve it. Not so long ago, I was driving such here rich boratine. They decided to help the orphanage. Would you hear how they respond about children. Turnoffs and spinograms are the most soft of definitions. And herself, probably, all childhood in the hoarse was held. Just forgot about it and now they themselves believe that they were born with a gold spoon in the mouth.

Alexey, 40 years old, entrepreneur

Diana, 31 years old, secretary

Money does not spoil people. Just when someone suddenly becomes rich and successful, surrounding begin to envy him and look for flaws in it. All these "bad" qualities were in a person before, but, before it was collapsed by material wealth, the surroundings treated them tolee. Most people simply do not know how to enjoy the success of others, but at the same time do not want to confess that they are jealous, even to themselves. So find an excuse. Like, I stopped communicating with best friend After that rich, because he has changed for the worse. In fact, the friend remained the same, just you became unpleasant to be in his society. I have long noticed, the majority is much easier to be sad with someone for the company than to rejoice. For example, for example, almost all friends are. If I have something bad in my life happened, they will be next to me, will be ached, dig in this situation, give some advice, and in secretly rejoice that I am unhappy, and they are all right. For example, when I broke up with my young man, all friends fled me to support me. But I have perfectly seen such a smug brilliance in their eyes: someone threw someone, and they are fine in the family. Alien misfortune helps them feel successful. But if I have something good happening, so no one together with me is not capable of. So they suggested me good work, I shared this news with my friends. So they pissed the lips and in vains began to look for shortcomings in this work.

But the most important thing is that we do not just think about, and what is sure of what is confident, this is what: we are personally exactly exactly worthy of possess and perfectly be able to dispose of them. And not a salary, you know, but by that non-subsequent sum that is customary to be called big money.

And what, is it possible?

Why not? Periodically, life throws us very eloquent examples. That's what we learn about people who are somehow lucky in this sense. Maybe they were born in a rich family and ride as cheese in oil, taking money "in bedside table". Maybe they admitted inheritance. Or maybe it is, oddly enough, it really happens - won the lottery or in a casino.

Remember the Russian woman who threw the jackpot for 30 million? The one as a result of cut and died in five years, consistently losing everything that has acquired? And the family who won the TV show and literally after the threshold of poverty? In fact, there are entire lists of unfortunate lucky ones, which were not able to riches suddenly filled on them. It is enough to "ogurize "the corresponding request - and Akheat, reading about the absurd waste of fabulous amounts, stupid waste and extremely sad finals of fabulous initial stories.

However, it is sometimes difficult to live with big money, it is not easy and to people of a completely different warehouse. Those who have narrowed them for years of hard work. Those who copied and not transcribe. Without exaggeration, the Great Rockefeller, who turned into a miser knight, the abnormal, devoid of any human emotions. Or not less Great Henry Ford, who kept the "cash" fist a family in a terrible seizure - and the cultivation of alcoholic heirs who fell off the million retreats with numerous wives when divorced.

What can we talk about a variety of major maggors, spoiled children or distraught from the permissiveness of mistresses, descending the fabulous amounts on entertainment one more risky? Children on expensive cars that arrange dangerous race in the city, befitful wives, pouring on drugs and casinos, secular lions, with parody chic curing from hundred dollar bills, or divorced secular lions, faster in poverty, collapsed by random sweaters ...

We all saw it - and everyone wondered: why, actually, they spend money exactly? Why not charity, not medicines or devices for sick people, not patronage of the hospice? Why, in the end, not studies, not an ambitious project, not investing in scientific research? Why do they get rid of money so ridiculous, stupid and contemptuous? So ... As if they do not like them, but hate? And why do money go to them?

And really, why?

And because money is generally a universal lactium paper. Little so manifests the essence of man. Little has such a powerful temptation charge.

In fact, psychologists allocate four types of people who attract big money. There is even such a concept of "financial temperament". According to him, it is:

  • lean magnets. They are endowed with fantastic purposefulness, get everything they want, and then successfully preserve and bring the resulting;
  • transcription magnets. Their financial stability is the rope on which they balance. We spend selflessly, but too seduced for incomplete income. In crisis situations lose on all articles, self-confidently refuse to "tighten the belt";
  • lean "repellents". Yes, yes, it is "repellents" in the sense of words. Those who attract pushes. In the pursuit of wealth, they encourage themselves to exhaust work and fight as fish about ice. Money come to them hard, but easily go, as the barrel fails. With the energy of wealth, they are not able to cope;
  • "Repellents" -trezhiri. Natural wheels that are constantly facing financial bands. It happens, they work a lot, but often looking for money in other ways - playing, debts, lotteries.

Why are they all like that? First of all, because they combine learned family models with personal features in relation to money. And where do this most money come from? When we talk about truly large amounts, sources are usually three: business; Random money (win or unexpected legacy); Expected inheritance (in the first or later generation). And each option carries its risks.

Let's say if the inheritance receives a person in the first generation, then he still simply did not produce models of the money management culture, and it is easier to waste it easier. If the heirs are already in the following generations and several of them, then internal jealous intrigues are easily possible in combination with conviction in their right to unopened.

Random money and at all often produce a shock effect from delight of unexpected possession. But, not paid by their own difficulty, easily descend.

And what is the money received by your own hard work and work on our own business, then here a reassuring person is easier to succumb to the temptation of pride and begin to treat them as a tool of the power change in the world.

In general, the risk in one way or another, in contradiction with their own big money, everyone has them, as they do not get. And this, I must say, greatly affects character and life.

And what can happen?

Greater money can turn a person alone: \u200b\u200bhe begins to suspect everyone around in the desire to use it and drove and builds the distance. On this topic there is an amazing old tale of the "Cold Heart" - about how the rich-rich good hero consistently deprives himself love and friendship, not wanting to share anyone and help anyone.

However, it happens the reverse case: when a person experiences an exaggerated feeling of guilt and shame before those who are not so lucky, and those who skillfully manipulate. As a result, it seeks bloodsuckers and fraudsters, successfully issuing it to the residue. He appears a lot of best friends and advisers - exactly to the minute, as long as the money is still with it.

On the other hand, the rich man is a wonderful target for all sorts of dependencies, more and less expensive. Dear alcohol is all the same alcohol, what can we talk about drugs or bought sex. At the same time, sensations are soon or too late, and it means that you need to try all the large doses more and more exciting hobbies. Actually, hence the monstrous games with adrenaline, the examples of which do not even want to lead.

At the same time, a person begins serious problems with the ability to sympathy. The big money will enslave, but it seems to him that he is their king and the "lady maritime." No matter how much the way this money is obtained, the feeling of the chosenness and the rights makes the owner look at others - the miserable poor losers - from top to bottom, in the depths of the soul, considering their second varieties. "Nothing personal, this is a business." "What is war to encourage fucking?" "Everyone do not commemorate." Which of us did not hear this?

Well, let this rich do not want to help anyone, but wants to delight himself a loved one. But for no hope, he also does not have trouble with imagination. What to spend something? In front of it - a set of stereotypes ranging from the Great Gatsby to the Kardashian family. He saw in the movies and glossy magazines, how to spend money and enjoy life (because money - they are for pleasure, he recently read somewhere). And begins. At home. Car park. Yachts aircraft. Infinite, first, messed, and then some kind of dreary consumerism. And Bole nothing.

In general, the picture comes out disappointing. Inability to handle money, lack of practice, examples and habits, inability to think at all in the categories of financial stability and high income - bad helpers. So it turns out on the saying "not in the horse feed".

So maybe they are at all?

If you do not feel sufficient confidence, then maybe the truth is "well them"? In the end, we dream about a magic wand, and all of the above describes the millstone milling on the neck. And it sounds somehow hopeless. But, fortunately, we have other examples in our eyes. There is Mark Zuckerberg with his wife, spending large sums on charity. There is a whole constellation of rich heirers - from the daughter of the oligarch Vanishi Mittal to the daughter of the New York Mayor of Georgina Bloomberg, who are working with full return and ignoring traditional temptations of golden youth. There are less than famous peopleOur modest compatriots, regularly paying the "tithing" and give solid amounts to help others. People who are lucky and who skillfully managed their luck.

So, everything is not so hopeless. Want a lot of money - quite permissible. But it is still, still, dreaming about them, dream of both wisdom, maturity and accurate calculation. And it makes sense to slowly train on those money that is available now. We have ever talked about it and studied the rules of secured successful people. So let them remind themselves, and if we really colide wealth, just scaling the process. You know this expression: if you can manage three people, you can and three thousand. So with money something similar.

I am not a big supporter to revive inanimate, but has long been convinced: money really possess energy. Question: How to cope with it, how to control and how to send to the right direction? Money can encourage and can punish. Can carry happiness and trouble. Can be reliable friends and insidious enemies. The main thing is to know what you can expect from them.

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