Questions to determine the needs of the client. Detection of needs

The basis of any action A person is such an objective factor as the need. The need can be determined as a need or desire that it has not yet been received (in our case - not bought). Different people may have different needs that, however, can be systematized in a certain way.

As soon as a person satisfies one of the important needs, she is on a certain time It ceases to be the main, moving motive.

Dominanta (Dominant) - the primary factor, the main sign, the most important component something.

The consumer remembers only the information that supports his beliefs and the dominant needs. You can note another number of needs, which are due to various types of people's activities at home and at work.

Motive - Inner force, prompting a person to behave in a certain way.

Motives of people are based on such fundamental needs such as food, rest, spiritual development, working conditions, life and have a strong influence on their behavior. Sometimes the motives are called impulses, needs, requests, internal tensions, volitional aspirations. In any case, people constantly seek to satisfy these internal, sometimes contradictory, motivations.

An important role in the process of motivation Habits, customs, skills, valuables and consumer tastes play. Representatives of each social group and each person in the course of life develops its own system of values. For example, for customers under 25 years old, the Bank can develop new credit products with more loyal conditions, but for smaller amounts than for more mature customers. Separately, it is possible to distinguish products for students, as well as to take into account that the consumers of car loans are primarily men.

The client does not buy a product or service by itself. The client buys a solution to his problems, satisfying its needs.

Allocate 5 basic needs of a person (according to A. Maslu theory):

Physiological needs (food, water, warmth, shelter, sex, sleep, health, cleanliness).

The need for safety and protection (including stability).

Need for belonging to social group, involvement and support. In this case, we are talking about partner, family, friends, intimacy and affection.

The need for respect and recognition (self-esteem, self-esteem, confidence, prestige, glory, recognition of advantages).

The need for self-expression (implementation of their abilities and talents).

Financial security - Each person is afraid of poverty and material losses and strives for their overcoming. It is expressed in the desire to save and multiply wealth.

Emotional security Need to ensure that the person can feel comfortable.

Comfort needs. As soon as a person reaches a minimum level of security and security, he begins to strive for comfort. The need for image. The client focuses on the attractiveness and prestigestivity of the goods.

The need for free time. People want to rest as much time as possible and are looking for any opportunity to stop working and relax. The same product can satisfy various needs. For example, bank card. One person uses for removal money. For another, it is an element of the image and an indicator of accessories to a specific social group.

If the client acquires something, it means that it has an updated need. Do not think that only one need for purchase will be closed. Just some of them will prevail.

Based on these needs, you can formulate a unique trade offer for client. And to clarify the needs, there is the easiest way - ask the customer questions.

Do not at the beginning of the meeting immediately push the client as a passing train with your goods or service. It is inefficient and unprofessional. To offer the benefits of "blindly" - it's like shooting the air. For a focused sale, it is necessary to know the interests and needs of the client to offer exactly the benefits of the goods that he needs.

Interests (shopping motifs) - These are the reasons that determine why the client wants to acquire one or another product or the service.

Before offering something and convincing this (that is, to lecture the lecture on this product), "Conduct" the client for his desire and the possibility of making a purchase.

Remember: Only 20% of buyers know that they need (what product, for what price, for what purpose, and so on), the remaining 80% are in less than certain states, I want something, but I do not know exactly what some thing good, product, you need to think if it is profitable to invest money in it ( pareto principle).

A task: Listen to the client and identify dominant needs. Ask questions, specify the received information, retell it to make sure that you all understood correctly.

No client fully knows what exactly wants to purchase. Very often happens, the client buys a product that is much more expensive than he expected before visiting the store.

Therefore, the task of the seller - Listen to what the client wants, and sell it the goods that is available and at a price that is profitable for the company. And the speech here is not at all about the deception of the client, as it may seem at first glance. The sales assistant can transfer the client's attention to a more expensive product - "Golden Card", told about her competitive advantage Compared to cheaper. But the choice in any case remains behind the client.

To identify the need, use the reception "Active Hearing" when the seller sets several clarifying issues, the purpose of which "talk" to the client carefully to listen to it, while often nodding your head, "to succumb", "bother" - so you will show that you are listening carefully.

Open questions imply a detailed response. They cannot be answered alone, "yes" or "no". As a rule, they begin with questions: What? Who! How? Where? How many? Why? What?

Open questions are necessary to:

Get more information from the client;

Create a comfortable situation to maintain contact;

Make the first steps to identify the need.

Examples of open questions:

- "What is important for you when renting a Safety Cable cell?"

- "Tell me, what claims do you prevent this contribution?"

Advantages of open questions:

Encourage the interlocutor to answer, without restricting it;

Oriented a person on reflections, analysis of their actions, stimulates the birth of thoughts that previously, maybe, and did not come to his head;

Give the interlocutor the opportunity to voluntarily transfer information, to speak freely about their feelings, comment on events;

Put the seller before the need to listen carefully and watch.

Disadvantages of open questions:

Can provoke a long answer, therefore it is not always possible to apply under limited time;

Able to confuse the interlocutor who is not accustomed to meet the general issues;

Can cause a bundled and confused response, difficult to understand;

Make sure the need to ask clarifying questions, interrupting the interlocutor, which can offend him and lead to difficulties during the conversation.

Open questions it is advisable to ask:

At the beginning of the negotiations;

To go from one topic to another;

If you need to force the interlocutor to think;

When it is necessary to figure out the interests and needs of the client;

If you want to revive and enhance the energy of awareness by the client of some phenomenon;

If you want to determine the cause of the failures and doubts of the client.

All questionsYou are asked to the Client, should contribute to constructive communication and carry business and benevolent. A good question specified in rough form will not only destroy the established contact, but also can lead to failure of the transaction.

However, open questions enable the interlocutor to get away from a specific answer, provide only profitable information for him and even lead the conversation to the side. Therefore, in the process business conversation It is recommended to set other than open, other questions.

Closed questions It should be built in such a way that the choice of possible customer responses is limited by two words "yes" or "no". They limit the field of possible answers. Used when questioning.

Closed questions are good at the beginning of the conversation and in all cases when you just need to get an affirmative answer or establish specific facts to design your further actions. "Yes" or "no" customer - peculiar switches of your efforts in the appropriate direction.

Examples of closed questions:

- "You are satisfied with our offer?"

- "Maybe you need more information?"

- "You suits you (you fit, you like it) ...?"

- "Can I proceed from what your final decision Depends on the clarification of the question of ...? "

- "You will not mind if ...?"

The closed question must be asked if:

Your partner is very restrained and does not support actively conversation;

You need to get a short unambiguous answer;

You want to quickly check the attitude of the partner to something;

You hope, by specifying a number of closed issues, get the necessary information;

You want to make sure that the interlocutor is correctly understood.

Closed questions can also be used to stimulate the positive customer responses, appealing to generally accepted values.

for example: "Would you like to have reliable guarantees?", "Quality for you is important, isn't it?".

This reception is useful when the client is negatively configured, doubts either simply has insufficient information to make a decision. The consent obtained in this way softens its installation all the time to tell you "no" or "I do not know."

Closed questions are increased risk issues. They impose additional obligations to the client, and he does not like it. Therefore, they are not recommended to set them at the initial and final stage of sale, or it must be done with extreme caution.

A very common situation when the seller asks when entering the client: "Do you help you?" And in most cases, the client responds "no", although it is possible that he needs help.

A variety of closed issues is "taper" (presenter) question. This question guarantees the answer "yes", as it implies a programmed response in the direction you need.

This question consists of 2 parts:

The first part includes the assertion with which any normal person will agree;

The second part is different kinds Questionful ligament

Examples of "taped" questions:

- "No one wants to overpay, is it not true?"

- "You won't mind if we see another option?"

- "Are you interested in purchasing a quality product?"

In sales, it is very convenient to use open questions first (they can find out whether your offer is interesting to the client), and then finish selling closed questions (they specify the interest of interest).

Ask questions in a brief and clear wording (the shorter the question is, the greater the probability of answering it).

So that questions are not perceived asprosecutor's interrogation, soften them by intonation, as well as with the help of introductory words-shock absorbers: "Tell me, please, how ...?", "Could you clarify what ...?") Sometimes it is appropriate to ask for permission to ask questions: " Do you ask you a few questions? "

Be sure to wait for the answer to your question,never interrupt the client's pause. This is his problem of "thoughtfulness", and for you - the opportunity to get the most useful information. Therefore, take care of patience and wait! Do not disturb the "moment of truth", while showing the maximum respect for the client.

Track the construction of questions. Do not question the competence of a person. For example, you ask the client, whether it is familiar with the planning methods. On the one hand, you did not ask anyone, and on the other hand, it was questioned his competence in this matter. And he can hear it, at the subconscious level. Reformulate the question: "What methods of planning do you prefer to use?".

By asking questions, do not go on the client and do not impose his opinion to him. Be a friend, guidebook and consultant.

Alternative questions (choice without choosing)we assume several (usually two) possible options for the recovery of the client, each of which suits the seller.

Alternative questions can be successfully used at any phase of sale. For example, using alternative questions on a neutral theme, you can talk the interlocutor, unobtrusive to identify its needs.

Examples of alternative questions:

- "Do you yourself comply with the contract or make it to our specialists?"

- "You will be comfortable if we appoint a meeting on Wednesday or Friday?"

Asking alternative questions, the seller can focus the client's attention on two or more options. It simplifies the decision making and facilitates the process of choice.

Alternative questions use:

When summing up interim and final results;

When discussing plans for further work;

To stimulate indecisive customers to decision making;

In order to reassure the client and give it to choose the best option for further action.

When formulating alternative questions, it is very important to offer the clients with options that are really acceptable to it. Otherwise, this, harmless at first glance, an alternative question client can take for manipulation.

The fact is that with the help of an alternative issue, the client is definitely programmed on the selection procedure, closes on this process and rarely realizes whether he needs to make a choice at all.

Even enough psychologically, competent customers do not always realize at the time of sale veiled manipulation.

Of course, if the client is absolutely not interested in your product, no manipulations will help you. And if the client understands the difference between the proposed goods, then this is not the manipulation at all, but only a way to push the client to decide the decision.

To identify customer needsThe seller asks him questions. Suggestive questions It is obvious that the client in response to them agrees with the statement by the seller.

Usually, the leading questions are asked when attempts are made to somewhat veneer it so that the client does not understand what they put pressure on it.

But the competent client can suspect that they are trying to manipulate, and the leading question can cause him internal resistance.

Examples of leading questions:

- "You know, usually do this in this case, and you will probably agree ..."

- "And what, if you assume ..."

- "You, of course, agree that ..."

- "You probably do not want ..."

- "If I understand correctly ..."

- "Are you sure that ..."

Supporting questions are distinguished by a special question in intonation and usually include words:

Of course, unless, too, is not true.

To summarize the conversation, when the client will certainly give an affirmative answer;

If you want to return a conversation in the business bed in a talk with a word of the word;

If you are dealing with an indecisive client;

If you need to force the client to confirm his faith in the profitability of your offer (if you talk about it - the client may be doubtful; if the client says it himself - he will believe).

Specifying the client a leading question, always contact him by name:

- "Elena Arkadyevna, isn't that what I suggest you does not match exactly with your interests?"

- "Sergey Ivanovich, aren't you with what ...?"

- "Also, Anna Valerevna, we are probably unanimous in the opinion that ...?"

You must define the leading questions when you analyze the needs of the client because they do not allow new information.

With the help of leading questions you can see and understand desires and customer needs. At the same time, all the decisions that the client accepts under the influence of the issues specified by the seller are logically derived from his own reasoning.

The leading question sounds very intrusive. He almost causes the client to recognize the correctness of the seller's approval or agree with him. Therefore, it is necessary to use the leading questions extremely careful. And do not forget to watch asked question caused a positive reaction from the client.

Clarifying (semi-open) questions It is assumed to receive short concise responses from the interlocutor. They should be asked if you are not sure about something or have any doubts, whether you understood the client correctly.

The goal of clarifying issues - Restore omnounced information, find out the personal representation of the interlocutor about some kind of question, reweper what has been said during the conversation.

Clarifying questions need to:

Get specific information;

Specify client's need;

Close closer to purchase (to the transaction).

Clarifying (semi-open) issues include words:

- "Do I understand correctly that ...", "Why?" - one of the best clarifying issues, "that is, ....",

- "You want to say ...", "You mean ...".

Examples of clarifying (semi-open) issues:

- "Do I understand you correctly, what would you like to buy a gift for a spouse?"

- "Tell me, please, how much would you like to meet? I ask this question in order to choose the most optimal option for you. "

You paraphrase the client's statement and clarify whether it was correctly understood. The interlocutor will confirm or refute your doubts and can give additional information.

Feel free to ask clarifying questions if you do not understand something or doubt. Believe me, the client will not think about you badly. Rather, you will impress a person who seeks to thoroughly understand the question and do not miss important moments conversation.

The seller is very important be able to listen and hear the client, then the client appears confidence that his information was correctly accepted. In addition, the active hearing makes it possible to align the position of the seller and the client.

And finally, using technology of active listening The seller stimulates the client to the next conversation.

Rules of active hearing:

Friendly mood. Quietly react to everything that the interlocutor says. Do not allow yourself personal assessments and comments to what has been said.

Do not arrange asked. Build proposals in an affirmative form. Periodically make pauses and let the interlocutor think time.

Do not be afraid to make erroneous assumptions As for the experienced feelings experienced. If something is wrong, the interlocutor will correct you.

Support visual contact. Let your eyes are on the same level with the eyes of the interlocutor.

If you understand that the interlocutor is not configured to talk and frankness, then leave it alone.

Technical techniques of active hearing:

Reception "Echo" - Literal repetition by the seller of the main provisions that the client expressed. Repetition begins with introductory phrases:

"As far as I understand you ...", "You think that ...", "You want to say that ...", "In your opinion ..."

Summising - Summing up for all intermediate agreements or combining the thoughts of a single semantic field in a single semantic field:

- "So we found out that important criteria for you when choosing are ..."

- "Summarizing what you said, you can come to the conclusion that you would like ..."

- "So, you are interested in ..."

- "The most important thing for you in choosing this product ..."

- "So, we decided on - one ..., two ..., three ... and now we have to solve the last question: when you get this thing and you will enjoy its quality. After all, I see she liked. "

Logical consequence- the derivation of a logical investigation from the statements of the client, the further development of the meaning expressed by the Client:

- "If you proceed from what you said, guarantees for goods are important for you ..."

- "If I understood you correctly, it is important for you that we will deliver the goods to your warehouse ..."

Refinement: You ask to clarify the individual moments of the client's statements:

- "It is very interesting, could you clarify ..."

- "If I understand you correctly, you think ..."

- "You could clarify what means for you ... (quickly, expensive, efficiently ...)"

- "If not a secret, on the basis of what you came to this conclusion?"

- "Please, please, are frank with me that you are not fully satisfied with me? (You doubt something? Are you bothering something?). "

Hearing (empathy)- This is an accession to the interlocutor on his emotional (empathy) level to create trust relationships with him by the most accurate reflection of his feelings, emotions and experiences.

At verbal level:

- "In your words I felt doubt (anxiety, distrust, anxiety ...)."

"It seemed to me (I think) that you are excited about something."

"I see something that bothers you (something prevents you from making a decision? Maybe you need more information?)."

Keep pauses, do not rush to questions, let me speak or inspect the product to the client.

Use prompting statements:

I absolutely agree with you

You are correctly noticed

It is very important (interesting),

Blimey! Did not know! If you can, tell about it in more detail. It is very important for me!

In a non-verbal level, it is necessary to join the interlocutor with help:

Mimics, reflecting the sense of speaking (outrage, anxiety, surprise, fear ...);

Cutting gestures, slang, intonation;

Proper visual contact;

Feeding the housing ahead;

Attentive face expression.

Use these simple techniques Active hearing in their work, and your work with customers will become more efficient.

Script Sales

Script sales of bank products and services - this a certain sequence of actions of the bank manager, a kind of scenario for the sale of banking services, prepared in advance step-by-step plan, the goal and the main task of which is the conclusion of the transaction with the client.

Very often, scripts in the bank are developed for a specific product, action, etc. For example, there is a communications script with a client for the purpose of selling consumer credit, credit card, contribution, NPF contracts. In addition, the scripts of cross-sales and cold call scripts are very common to customers with the aim of supplying bank services.

In addition to the global goal, the scripts decide the following tasks:

Improve the confidence of sales managers;

Allow you to quickly navigate and be prepared for any answer or client's question;

Help in advance to consider the highlights of the conversation and your behavior in key points.

To write an effective script, or script, sales of banking services, it is important to adhere to the following recommendations:

1. Before compiling the script, determine a clear goal, which bank product and which target client you will offer, write out the basic properties of this product and transfer them to the benefit for the client (use the language of the benefit: Property - Characteristic - Benefit);

2. Push the script for each stage, think over the various options for the client's answer to your questions and be sure to specify the actions of the bank manager at each scenario. This is necessary in order for the manager to be ready for any "turning of events."

I heard from some sales managers that the identification of sales need is the simplest one. What is there - ask the client questions and everything. However, in practice it turns out quite the opposite.

In this article, consider in detail, with examples and ready-made questions, how to identify the needs for sale to take place.

Scan the buyer's brain

When selling, you need to be focused on the sale not on the goods, but on the need. What needs is the internal aspiration of man. Usually they are hidden, sometimes not even realized by the person himself. Very rarely needs formulated clearly and unequivocally. Typically, the seller accounts for a layer of layer to remove the layers of information to get to the pearl.

The client has different conditions, character, desire. And the needs are folded by an individual pattern of these components.

Is it possible to scan the buyer's brain without resorting to hard methods :)

Sure you may. Just ask the client about his needs.

There are open, closed and alternative questions. Closed questions entail short answers yes or no. Alternative questions are a single choice of 2 options. For example: "What dress do you bring blue or red?" On an open question - you can get a whole deployed phrase from the interlocutor. Reflection that moves closer to the sale.

Dance from Motiv

The purpose of identifying needs is a point in contact with the motive. To understand what criteria it is this client will be ready to make a purchase. Or what a driving force - the motive, circumstances act here and now.


I watched a recently such picture on the vegetable market. The seller of Caucasian nationality simply revealed the needs of the buyer when selling a tomato.

Fit woman. He asks: Dear, what kind of tomato pick up? Will you cook what is cooking? Beauty, I have tomatoes for any occasion - to eat, cook, sleep, pick up.

Indeed, he has a different product. And all buyers can have different motives:

  • A man approached just buy a tomato to eat; So, it should be fleshy, big and sweet.
  • Another hostess came to buy vegetables for conservation. And the seller picks up medium dense fruits with a solid skin so that the jar fit into the jar.
  • Someone came to buy tomatoes on Adzhika. Then it will be soft, surpired vegetables.
  • Seeing a large mother with three children, the merchant finds out that many small tomatoes need, but not very expensive. Because, the budget is modest, and the kids love tomatoes.
  • Another option: the girl needs cherry tomatoes, she will be knitting them.

And what is the most remarkable, to the owner of the push, the whole queue gathered. Although other sellers are missing, and the market is simply littered with tomatoes at the height of the season. The secret is simple - in identifying the needs of the client. And point sale - getting into target. Compliance with the buyer's goods and motive.


different motifs from the scope of business. The company "Free Wind" sells air conditioners. Consumers can be:

  • The client needs air conditioning in a fitness club. The room is large, the simulators many and visitors are enough. So, you need a powerful and large air conditioner.
  • The girl lives on the 12th floor, came to buy air conditioning. You may need high-altitude work (related service), it is unlikely to install it yourself. It is possible to offer a mobile split system.
  • A woman in a moonful age is very afraid of drafts, but she needs to cool his dog. Then you can offer a small air conditioner of low power.

As you can see, in different cases, different models and services are needed. We will analyze how to get to the truth, and including at (in more detail you can read in a separate article).

Funnel Detection of Needs

Any client must be done and arrange. First, just ask permission to take your questions.

- Let us ask clarifying questions to pick up the best option for you, it will not take much time.

Many do not. But I believe that internal resistance is removed by this preparatory item. Care of the buyer is read, about his interests, or about time. Further stages of identifying needs can be figuratively submitted in the form of a funnel.

Simple sales

In simple sales, there are three stages in the funnel. We will examine on the example of the sale women's clothing:

  • - What kind of style would you like?
  • - Do you like what length, color?
  • - What style of clothes prefer?

Several open questions allow the sales manager to narrow the line possible goods. Next follow alternative questions:

  • - Do you like the model with a collar-rack or postponed collar?
  • - What do you think, what approached more printed - in polka dot or in the style of Provence?

Then, the time of closed questions approached:

  • - Did you decide on the choice?
  • - Bring something else to the fitting room?
  • - Do you go to the cashier?

In cold calls to the funnel of identifying needs, another is added - the hook question.

Sophisticated sales

Rosene questions when identifying needs - an example of complex sales:

- Kirill Petrovich, allow you to ask you a couple of clarifying issues to offer the best option.

Open questions:

  • - What are the main requirements for the apartment?
  • - Describe the apartment of your dreams?
  • - Are there any wishes for the place of residence?

Alternative questions:

  • - Would you like an apartment with panoramic windows or ordinary?
  • - Do you consider an apartment or low-rise building?

Closed questions:

  • "Do I understand correctly that you are ready to buy an apartment in the near future?"
  • - As far as I realize that you are interested in a cottage type variant, right?

Hook Question:

  • - I have a proposal that will allow you to significantly save on repair. Let's go, look at the object?
  • - I have options for suitable housing, which meets all your requirements. Let's meet?

This last stage serves as a transition between clarifying the needs and presentation of the product, or the appointment of the meeting.

Let us dwell on the most difficult formation of needs - how to ask open questions in sales.

Identifying the sales need from the client, with examples of open questions

The ability to conduct a client dialogue, ask questions from a simple seller of the virtuoso. After all, to find out the needs and still sell a product or service, you need to talk customer. It will open not everyone. Only to the one who hooks their attention, tact and interest.

Open questions will come to the aid, with the help of which not only to "reveal" the client and find out the needs. But also sell, and to prove the service, and then communicate for many years as old friends. As they say, find the precious component.

Open questions begin with:

  • What (what does the main role play for you when buying a car?)
  • Why (why is this characteristic important for you?)
  • What do you think (what do you think, what can convince you in buying?)
  • Tell us (tell us more about your desires)
  • What (what is the characteristic of you most important?)
  • Imagine (imagine an ideal apartment. Describe it.)
  • And what (and what if you could choose one car for life, what would it be?)
  • What (what exactly should not be in your dress?)
  • Who (who will sit behind the wheel?)
  • Who (who choose a gift?)

Recommendation to all sales managers. Try at home, in a family circle, or with friends, live one day, asking only open questions. You will be surprised how close people will open from an unexpected side how many new stories you will hear.

Turn at least one day a month in mini-training on open questions. Feel benefit.

Examples of identifying needs - Question / answer

Sometimes the solution lies in another plane from your thoughts or experience. No need to guess and offer many of your answer options. To which the client can respond monosyllary. Just ask and listen, let me speak. Examples of issues to identify needs:

  • Do you want a one-room apartment?
  • - Well no
  • ✅ What do you want an apartment?
  • - Variants of answers great set.
  • ❌ You choose air conditioning for home or apartment?
  • - Options for answering only 2.
  • ✅vi air conditioner for what room you choose?
  • - Answer options are already more, and there is something to cling on.
  • ❌ Do you need fishing rods?
  • - Well no
  • ✅ What fishing tackle do you prefer?
  • - Space for sales.

Replace closed questions for question deals beginning with "What", "What", "why". Here are universal questions to identify customer needs:

  • What criteria are important for you?
  • What is the decisive factor for you for you?
  • What when choosing a product is important for you?
  • When choosing a product that plays a primary role?
  • What do you want in the end from buying?
  • Why is this criterion most important?

Attach refinement to the questions about the client's opinion: "Your opinion?", "Do you think?", "Do you think?" Thus, emphasizing the significance of a person and interest in its further words.

In order to clarify information about the price.

- We have different suggestions at the prices of the goods of interest, allow the range to clarify? From 1000 to the ceiling?

Turn on the jokes in the conversation. Melt the ice. Usually, after a joke, the client is slightly liberated and does not feel like interrogation. Add emotions to your questions and active listening.

  • Oo, how interesting.
  • Sad story.
  • I imagine how children will be delighted!

Errors when identifying needs

  1. Specify too many closed questions. You can set 20 closed questions, but it will not bring closer to understanding the needs of the client. Just get angry it.
  2. Toril, without listening to the client. So-called, grief from the mind. When sales manager, with great experience, and billets in the head for any objections, interrupts and says "understandable." You would know how it annoys the client!

When interrupting the half-word, do not give a senten. The person seems to be stuttering and perceives after two such "understandable" - visa, like a freeze. What turns away already emotionally from the personality of the seller. What are the sales here ...

  1. Fall asleep customer with specific terms, technical characteristics. For example, when choosing a TV - "Do you need which screen resolution?". Speak in the client's language. It is better easier, "on the fingers", do not addate smarter buyers, they do not like it.

Perhaps you will also be interested in :,

Information about the identification of sales need has been collected in grains from sales managers when checking the quality of service. And then running on numerous trainings. I hope these tips will be useful to you and applies in practice. I wish in every call, or the client find a golden veil.

Share comments, what tricks you know when identifying needs from the client. Place the marks and share with friends on social networks.

With faith in your success,

Svetlana Vasneovich

P.S. For business owners, and for those who want to triple the power of their business: Download my free book -

Hello! In this article we will tell about the process of identifying customer needs.

Today you will learn:

  • Why it is necessary to determine the needs of customers;
  • What are the types of needs;
  • How to define and analyze customer needs;
  • What errors exist when determining needs.

Why do you need to identify customer needs

The client is the main value of any modern enterprise. The client's problem is the company's problem, whose solution, their common goal. Solved problem - the profit of the organization.

It would seem that everything is simple. It is necessary to learn from the buyer about his needs and offer a product that can satisfy them well. However, in fact, sellers are faced with the difficulties of identifying these needs.

Clarifying the needs of the client - the task with which the company faces several times. For the first time, the issue of determining the needs of the client arises before the development of goods and the formation of a marketing complex.

The rule should work here: Do not sell what you produce, and make what you will accurately buy. Thus, before proceeding with the development of the product, you need to determine the needs of the market.

In this case, we first determine the needs of stages. First for all target audience. For example, schoolchildren need a handle with a mask at the other end.

Then, we divide the target audience to segments and determine the need more narrowly for each segment. For example, schoolchildren junior classes We need ballproof handles with a smear, and high school students - in helium.

After that, we can produce a product that we will accurately buy.

Needs should be taken into account when forming a marketing complex. For example, young children, office supplies buy parents, and they prefer to see the rational benefits of goods, we use it in advertising goods. But older children go to the store. They wish to stand out or be similar to their idols, it can also be used when promoting the product.

At this stage, the needs are determined by analyzing the market, conducting surveys and research. Then a map of the needs of each target segment is compiled.

However, the issue of learning needs arises again. It is the second stage of the sale process. Let's deal with what it is necessary.

Causes of the need to identify the needs of the client in the process of selling the goods:

  • The same product can satisfy different needs, and therefore it is necessary to sell it differently. For example, someone buys a smartphone to sit on the Internet, and someone is needed to call and view video files. Deciding this, the seller to the first client will offer a 4G gadget and a good welcome Wi-Fi, and the second smartphone with a large and bright screen and good sound;
  • Knowing the customer's need, you can properly present the goods.
  • One of the steps of the sales process is the answer to the client's objections. Create an argument capable of convincing the consumer to purchase goods, you can only know its needs. This will allow you to operate the value of the product for a particular consumer.
  • Knowledge of needs allows you to establish a trust relationship with the buyer: to show sympathy, support.

Types of customer needs

There are a huge set of different needs classifications. Remember the pyramid of the needs of the oil or a two-factor model of the needs of Herzberg, but they are ineffective at the implementation stage of the goods.

In sales, it is customary to allocate two types of needs: rational (they are also called functional) and emotional .

Rational needs - The main needs, without the satisfaction of which the further existence of an individual is impossible. Of course, it is too categorical definition for modern MiraBut in fact it is fair. for exampleYou go on a hot summer day around the city and really want to drink. You will definitely stop the nearest stall and buy a bottle of water, because without it to continue the path will be very hard.

Operating the rational needs of the client, you can realize the goods of mass demand: food, clothing, furniture. At the same time, the consumer may not be interested in the financial side of the issue.

In working with such goods it should be focused on the functional benefits of the product. For example, the jacket can be presented as follows: "This jacket is made of cold-reflective material, it will not let you freeze on the street, and at the same time you will not be hot in it in transport."

Emotional needs There are when rational are satisfied. Example Emotional need may be the need for self-expression or belonging to any group, these are social needs. The goods that satisfies the emotional need should reflect the values \u200b\u200bof the consumer, its worldview.

Brending goods can play on the emotional needs of the client. For example, Apple brand is associated with consumers with a specific status and level. This is the satisfaction of the emotional need.

Selling goods satisfying an emotional need for feelings and emotions of the client. For example, the same jacket can be sold as: "This jacket is a new trend of the present season. Mr. "N" himself! " As a Mr. "N" should be submitted to a reference personality for this consumer.

There is another useful classification for sales. According to it, domestic and external needs are distinguished.

Domestic needs related to personal experiences and client fears. For example, the girl buys cosmetics to like himself.

External needs Related to the desire of a person to receive public recognition. For example, the same girl buys cosmetics to enjoy your boyfriend.

At the same time, despite the fact that the girl in the first, and in the second example, needs the same category of goods, shopping will be different. In the first case, the choice will be based on the personal preferences of the girl, and in the second - on the preferences of the guy.

Stages of identifying customer needs

And here is the client already in your store. You come to him and say the classic phrase: " Can I help you?". The visitor gives his classic answer: " I'll see and, if something, turn to you". And on this your interaction ends. This is a typical error.

Step 1. Determine the need.

Before approaching a possible buyer, watch him, see what categories of goods he pays more attention, carry out the primary collection of information. So you will understand what exactly it came to you in the store. For example, we sell dishes, and our client goes to the trading room and watching teapots. From here we can conclude that he came after the kettle. Everything is very simple. Stage "Observation" in the process of determining the needs of the client should not take more than 30 seconds.

Now you can approach the client. Go with a proposal: " Good day! We brought new chairs today, we have not had time to put them in the shopping area, let me show them them" or " We have a kettle who boils 2 liters of water for 30 seconds, let me show you it”.

By the way, the customer can answer the second proposal by expressing his need: " I need a laughter more "or" I don't need an electric kettle". And with this you can work. Therefore, at this stage, try in your proposal to characterize any product.

Step 2. We demonstrate and ask questions.

If the client agreed to proceed for you, then first demonstrate it to him, and then proceed to questions.

If he expressed his disinterest in your offer, then immediately go to the questionnaire with questions. By the way, if you are a starting salesman, then you will really be useful to make a small questionnaire with questions. It should not be shown to the client, but so it will be more convenient for you to remember all types of questions and situations of their use.

Questions are the following types:

  • Open - Questions imposing a detailed answer. Example: "What kindergarten do you need?";
  • Closed - Questions involving one of two possible options Answer. Example: "Do you need an electric kettle?";
  • Alternative - Issues containing two alternative answers. Example: "Do you need an electric or ordinary kettle?";
  • Rhetorical - Serve to maintain conversation and creating a friendly atmosphere. Example: "True a beautiful design of this kettle?";
  • Topping - Questions, pushing the client to the correct answer (for us). Example: "If you need a bulk teapot, it is better to take the usual to save electricity, what do you think?".

Situations that use one or another type of questions are presented in the table.

Step 3. Listen!

After you have passed the stage of questions, you will have to listen to the client's objections.

At this stage, you must adhere to two rules: do not interrupt the client and participate in conversation. It is possible to implement this using the actual hearing technique. It is in the "leschable" to the client, repetition of its last phrases or key value of the phrase. By this, you show your interest in what your interlocutor says, and therefore in his problem.

On this process of identifying needs, it remains only to bring your interaction with the client to a logical completion.

Step 4. We answer.

And what to do after identifying needs?

After the client responds and tell you about all his problems, it is argued to answer all of his objections. Do not argue with him, appreciate the mood of the interlocutor, give as arguments the real characteristics of the product that are value for a particular consumer.

That is, in order to convince the consumer in the need to make a purchase of any product, refer to the needs that we just revealed.

Let's come back for example with a kettle. Suppose our client needs a large electric kettle who would allow him to save electricity and boiled water no longer than 3 minutes. We show him the appropriate option, but the client says he does not suit the price.

Returning to the needs - electricity savings. Now we can confidently tell our client that for a certain amount of time "will select the price of the kettle on electricity saving and at the same time it will receive the rapid boiling of a large amount of water that it will not receive with any other option.

Frequent errors when identifying needs

The most frequent errors that make a manager when identifying customer needs are the following:

  • Monologue seller. Remember that your goal is to identify needs, and you can only reveal them by listening to the client. In the perfect dialogue, the seller and the buyer must participate equally.
  • Invalid client work tactics. As you could notice according to the data in the table, for some types of consumers optimal option There will be a predominance of open questions, and for some - closed. In case of an error, the likelihood is that you lose the buyer.
  • Revealed one need and stopped. Remember that one need entails the emergence of other conjugate needs. Having reveaning them, you can increase sales several times.
  • Detection of needs and presentation of goods in one stage - This is a very common mistake. First, it is necessary to determine the need, and only then, operating the knowledge of the customer's needs, present the goods.
  • We interrupt customer. It is impossible to interrupt the client, even if he is wrong and behaves nurtically. It is necessary to give a spoke to the buyer, and only then respond to his objections.
  • Keep talk to another topic. Your task is to send a dialog, do not let the client go far from the topic.

Today we offer you an article on the topic: "Detection of customer needs." We tried to fully reveal the topic and explain everything in an affordable language. You can ask all your questions in the comments to the article. Our expert will be promptly answering them.

  • Ways to identify customer needs: open and closed questions + examples

    Hello! In this article we will tell about the process of determining the needs of the client.

    Today you will learn:

    • What is need;
    • How to properly build a dialog with the client to identify its needs;
    • What types of questions exist and how to apply them correctly;
    • What errors cannot be allowed when determining the needs of the client.

    With the increasing number of companies in the market, the power of the consumer is growing. The screens are filled with advertising messages, promoters call customers with discounts, and supermarkets are tasting to increase sales. But all efforts to attract consumers may be useless if you do not know what your client wants.

    Identifying the needs of the client - the second stage of sales, but in fact think about determining the needs of the target audience is necessary much earlier. But let's first figure it out with the notion of "need."

    Need - Needs incarnate in specific products and services. From here it follows another concept - needs. Unlike needs, needs have a congenital character, it's all that, without which a person cannot continue its livelihood. The need manifests itself in human needs.

    No video.

    • In safety;
    • In belonging to any group (class);
    • In comfort;
    • In reliability;
    • In novelty.

    In addition, the needs are conjugate and unanswered. Conjugate need - its satisfaction entails the birth of another need. For example, you bought a blouse, but now you need a skirt to her. The task of the consultant to detect both needs (even before the emergence of the second) and satisfy them.

    As mentioned earlier, the identification of needs is the basis of the foundations in the organization of sales. But for the first time, think about what our potential consumers need, it is necessary at the marketing planning stage, that is, marketing, as the process of identifying the needs of the target audience, should stand before production (or purchases, if we own the retail store).

    Any business, including yours, should be built around the need for a specific target audience. Otherwise, you will produce (or purchase) a product that will be dusting on the warehouse shelves or shop.

    Take the basis chief Principle Marketing: "Do not sell what they produced, and make what you can sell exactly." And for this, every decision of the entrepreneur must be reinforced marketing research For determining the needs of the target audience.

    Now let's talk about the process of sale.

    The entire sales process consists of five stages:

    • Search and assessment of the buyer;
    • Identifying the needs of the client and the establishment of contact with it;
    • Product presentation;
    • Elimination of disagreements and objections;
    • Conclusion and maintenance of the transaction.

    Why is it necessary to determine the needs of the client during the sales process

    In fact, if you have successfully spent the first two stages of sale, you can be sure that the client will buy your product. At the same time, the search and assessment process of the buyer should be treated as a preparatory stage before determining the needs of the client. Let's find out why the right identification of needs is so important in the process of selling the goods.

    FirstlyThe client came to you to solve his problem. The same product can solve absolutely different problems.

    Example. Man wants to buy curtains. The consultant asks the potential buyer about the design of the room for which the curtains are selected, learns an acceptable price range and demonstrates the best options. But the visitor goes without a purchase. What is the seller's error? The thing is that the consultant did not find out what benefit wants to get a customer from buying, simply speaking, he did not define the client's problem. We specifically took as an example of the curtain to show that even the most simple product can solve several problems at once. For example, curtains can carry two functions: decorating room and sun protection. In our example, the consultant solved the problem of decorating the room, and the client wanted to defend against sun ray. This error led to the breakdown of the transaction.

    Secondly, without knowing the needs of the client, you will not be able to parry its objections, and this is the fourth stage of the sales process. Any objection to the client is a doubt that it is your product that will be able to best solve his problem. You must save it from these doubts, otherwise the client will just go to competitors from you.

    Thirdly, In the process of personal sales, it is very important to give to understand the client that you sincerely want to help in solving his problem. This is impossible to make it without understanding the problem itself.

    And so, the client is already in your store. How to understand what he wants? It is necessary that he himself told you about it, the best way was not yet invented.

    However, all people are different. Someone is happy to share with their experiences around him, and someone is silent as partisans. An individual approach to building a dialogue should be applied to each client.

    No video.

    From here flows two methods to identify customer needs:

    Both tools must be applied in the process of building a dialogue with both an open client and with a partisan client. But in the first case, we should listen more, and in the second - ask.

    I would like to immediately pay attention to the fact that your dialogue with the client, regardless of its belonging to one or another type, should not be similar to the interrogation. Consumer speech must occupy most of your dialogue with him. A good sales of akin a good psychologist. The task of these specialists is to identify and solve the problem of the client, and for this it is necessary to withdraw a "patient" on a frank conversation and listen to it.

    Let's go back to sales. Where to start a conversation?

    Recall the first stage of the sales process - the search and evaluation of the buyer. Do not immediately approach potential consumer And to impose the goods in which it does not need.

  • There is a stereotype that during the sale price decides everything. Many novice managers believe that the client always buys where it is cheaper. That the price question is the most important. But experienced sales managers will not agree with them. And will be right.

    During the sale, it is very important to call the client from the client and become close to him in spirit, "its" man. Therefore, we give examples of questions to identify customer needswho help the client express their opinion, to speak, relax and trust the seller.

    The ability to professionally identify needs and send a conversation to the desired result is the key to successful sales, high results and stable income for the seller.

    By the way, before generally choose suitable questions to identify needs, it is necessary to determine target group Customers who most often use your goods or services. How to do this will tell the following plot:

    By teaching the skills of sales of novice managers, most of them we notice the same mistake - the inability to identify the needs of the client or at all skip or too fast transition to the product presentation. The novice manager, as a rule, prefers to immediately present the goods to the buyer, which he either needs to sell first, or the product, which for any reason he especially likes. For some reason, the most of the people were used to consider themselves right and know that allegedly need to be customer, did not bother to ask him directly.

    Not knowing why the client appealed to your company, not knowing what kind of questions he had, what his problems had, the consultant would not be able to offer its decision and make the sale completed, and the client satisfied. Therefore, it is very important to learn how to ask the right questions when you reveal the needs.

    Start the stage of identifying needs is necessary from a fundamental question, which allows you to clarify whether the client uses at all your product or service whether it needs it at all. But it may turn out that, for example, you are trying to sell the home Internet to a person who does not know how to use the computer at all, or a hull to a person who is not going to buy a car at all. And find out this you can only asking questions!

    Remember the situation when you are talking to a unpleasant person. What do you usually do? Silent? Or just nod your head? Or maybe turn away and try to stop the conversation soon? But, most likely, you will not ask this person questions, as you are not interested in his answers at all.

    If we really feel sincere interest in our client, we will find out its needs, which means ask questions, and find out everything that he thinks about the product we sell, or the service we provide. Therefore, novice sales managers first need to learn how to set the right questions and correctly identify the needs of the buyer, and then go to the premises of the presentations. Knowing that the client really needs, we can adjust our proposal effective way, pick up suitable phrases and expressions so that they cause the necessary emotions from the client and formed the need to buy right now. At the same time, asking questions should not reach the extreme and turn a trustful equal dialogue into interrogation.

    Well, now we will give examples of questions to identify needs, which actually help to sell.

    At the time of meeting with the client and at the very beginning of communication it is very important to cause his friendly location and sympathy, i.e. To establish the so-called rapport. After that, you can move to general issues that do not relate directly to the transaction.

    If you work in the B2C direction and communicate directly with the client, start a conversation with the client on common topics. For example, the Insurance Manager may talk about new changes in the field of insurance and ask the client about his thoughts and views. For sales computer equipment You can talk about new trends and at the same time to learn the preferences of the client in the field of IT technologies. Or clarify the awareness of the client about your company, for example:

    • When was the last time in our office?
    • How often do you use taxi services?

    Sellers V2C directions are established by the Rapport of conversations and questions about the client's company, the state of affairs in the industry, economic development and prospects for the expansion of cases.

    • How do you assess the support of entrepreneurship in the area?
    • What do you think about government politics in the field and technology?

    You can ask about the state of the country's economy as a whole, about the course of the ruble (dollar, euro), the social policy and support of entrepreneurship, the work of officials and the current legislation. The main thing is that the topic is close to the client. Moreover, it is absolutely no need to be a specialist in this direction yourself, the main thing is to express the client. You can also contact him for expert assessment Situations, for example:

    Look carefully on the interlocutor and follow his reaction. He must find a like-minded person in you, experience community of interests and emotional support. If you have noticed the manifestation of negative emotions from the client - Bate Anvoy - Translate the topic to another bed, otherwise you can feel this negative, addressed already in your direction. And the sale can break.

    At the same time, it is not necessary to get involved in a conversation on common topics - it should not take more than 5 minutes. Ideally, 1-2 is enough to establish a rapport general issues, the discussion of which should last 2-4 minutes.

    When trusting relationships are installed, we clarify the client with the reason for his appeal to your company, learn its problem and urgent need to use mainly open questions:

    • What kind of house would you like to buy? Tell us more.
    • What is the most important thing for you when buying a new car?
    • How do you imagine your summer vacation?
    • What is your experience with transport companies?
    • What was not satisfied with the previous supplier?
    • What criteria do you choose partners?
    • Why do you think your staff is not prepared enough?
    • And in general: what can we do for you to be satisfied?

    There are customers who express exactly and clearly who know what they want. Well, there are those who have not yet decided on their preferences. However, sales manager still needs to be achieved by the client of accurate information, otherwise it risks to work wasted without achieving customer satisfaction. For this, the funnel of questions must be narrowed by clarifications.

    • Please, at this moment in more detail ...
    • Do you have information about specific cases? Give some example!
    • To find you the perfect option I need details ...
    • And if you have to choose between the functional and the appearance, what do you prefer?

    After that it is worth a conversation about the customer's price and budget. Do not be afraid to talk about money. There is nothing crazy about it. Moreover, the modern customer has already got used to such issues.

    Avoiding questions about money you risks to get to come, incorrectly appreciating the client's budget, the size of the party, time and prospect of cooperation. Therefore, boldly discuss financial questionsSince the skillful operating information on the amounts and payment will allow you to understand the seriousness of the client's intentions, his solvency, its interest in the service or product, the possible deadlines for the transaction, its sum and prospects for re-collaboration. The more confidently and the Clever client talks about money, the higher his need for the service, the more promising it for cooperation, the faster the deal can take place and the faster you will receive your commissions.

    • What amount is we talking about?
    • In what price range is chosen by the car?
    • Is there any decision on the budget?
    • What volumes and amounts will we talk about?
    • Financial issues will we discuss with you or need additional harmonization?

    And now do not forget to assure the client that it is precisely you can do everything that he needs to take into account necessary nuanceswho could not observe the previous supplier, order for the client it is such a car that he needs, and in general to find, get or do everything that he needs or like (and that just meets previously identified needs).

    Specify the questions and listen carefully to the client. Determine in the mind of 3-4 words that he needed that it is important for him and what its problems need to be solved. And then at the presentation stage, we bring the dialog to the fact that it is your product or a service that it is able to solve these foolish questions, and what exactly you are, and not someone else can do everything as it should.

    So, in order to solve the client's problem, it is necessary:

    1. To set up a contact.
    2. Find out his need or his problem.
    3. Find out what he took to solve the problem. That at the same time brought the desired result, and what not. (Do not forget to find out what result is still desired !!!)
    4. Define exactly what exactly the client needs. (Perhaps to do this immediately you will not succeed, but after some training you will definitely do it!)
    5. Well, now offer him a solution to his problem. Remember, he needs sincere help in solving a sore problem, give him it just on time and in good quality - he will be satisfied and grateful!

    The above questions for identifying the needs of the client is not a panacea. They can be changed, cut, vary at their discretion, see what effectively works and what needs analysis and refinement. The range of topics for this is quite wide: from the prospects for the development of the industry to the company's plans, from the intentions of the organization's management to the current state of affairs, from customer expectations to negative experience, from personal preferences to strategic directions.

    The more competent you learn how to ask questions, the more accurate get answers, which means you can satisfy client requests in full. More satisfied customers - more profit - wider your development prospects as a sales specialist.

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