Winston Churchill's most famous sayings. The wise, witty, and always relevant sayings of the greatest Briton in history. Where there are ten thousand prescriptions, examples

Time is a bad ally.

Generals always prepare for the last war.

Better to make news than to talk about them.

Whoever agrees with everyone, nobody agrees with that.

Television is cheap and vulgar entertainment.

I took more from alcohol than he took from me.

Looking too far ahead is shortsighted.

The British always have their own line of behavior - but not a straight line.

It’s easier to manage a nation than to raise four children.

Responsibility is the price we pay for power.

A smart person does not make all the mistakes himself - he gives others a chance.

He is most determined in indecision and stronger in weakness.

I am always ready to learn, but I do not always like to be taught.

At my age, I can no longer afford to feel bad.

The Bolsheviks themselves create difficulties that they successfully overcome.

Success is the ability to move from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm.

The unprecedented thickness of this report protected him from the danger of being read.

Saving money is a good thing, especially if your parents have already done it.

A diplomat is a person who thinks twice before saying nothing.

The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter.

The peacemaker is the one who feeds the crocodile in the hope that he will eat him last.

School teachers have a power that prime ministers can only dream of.

To fake a beautiful woman is not an easy matter, because she will not fade from your words.

The best way to stay consistent is to change with circumstances.

All I wanted was to agree with my desires after a constructive discussion.

A fanatic is a person who cannot change his views and cannot change the subject.

Where there are ten thousand prescriptions, there can be no respect for the law.

A strong, silent man is too often just because he is silent because he has nothing to say.

Always check quotes: yours - before saying, strangers - after they are said.

If Hitler invaded hell, I would at least put in a word for the devil in the House of Commons.

The Germans, like no other nation, combine the qualities of an exemplary warrior and an exemplary slave.

Separated from the truth, conscience is nothing more than stupidity, it is regrettable, but not respectable.

The British are the only people in the world who love when they are told that things are worse than ever.

Only on the granite rock of the charter of the League of Nations can we build a tall and durable temple and citadel of peace.

In the West, the armies were too large for the local countries. In the East, countries were too large for armies.

Russians have always been underestimated, but meanwhile they know how to keep secrets not only from enemies, but also from friends.

He who was not a radical in his youth — he does not have a heart; he does not become a conservative in his maturity — he has no mind.

A monstrous amount of false conjectures walks around the world, and the worst thing is that half of them are pure truth.

Democracy is the worst form of government, apart from all the others that humanity has tried in its history.

I never criticize the government of my country while abroad, but more than compensate for this upon return.

I have always followed the rule: do not run if you can stand; don't stand if you can sit; don't sit if you can lie.

Most of all, Russians admire power, and there is nothing to which they have less respect than military weakness.

I love pigs. Dogs look at us from the bottom up. Cats look down at us. Pigs look at us as equals.

Politics is as exciting as war. But more dangerous. You can be killed only once in a war, many times in politics.

The main disadvantage of capitalism is the unequal distribution of goods; the main advantage of socialism is the equal distribution of deprivation.

A politician should be able to predict what will happen tomorrow, in a week, in a month, and in a year. And then explain why this did not happen.

In my youth, I made it a rule not to drink a drop of alcohol until dinner. Now that I'm not young, I keep the rule not to drink a drop of alcohol until breakfast.

If you want to achieve a goal, do not try to be delicate or smart. Use rude tricks. Hit the target right away. Come back and hit again. Then strike again with the strongest blow of the shoulder.

I called this volume “Triumph and Tragedy” because the complete victory of the Great Union has not yet brought universal peace to our troubled globe.

Never give up - never, never, never, never, neither in the big, nor in the small, nor in the large, nor in the small, never give up, if this does not contradict honor and common sense. Never succumb to power, never succumb to the obviously superior power of your adversary.

And finally, a bonus for those who have read all this - the most famous insults that Sir Winston inflicted on his opponents.

Response to parliamentarian Bessie Braddock, reproaching him for being drunk: “Darling, you are ugly. But I'll sober up by morning, and you will remain ugly. ”

The answer to the Guardian of the Seal of Minor Seal, who demanded an immediate meeting with the prime minister, when he was sitting in the toilet: "Tell him that I can not do two pieces of shit at the same time." However, in English his phrase sounded much more witty, because it began with a pun: Tell the Lord Privy Seal that I am sealed to my privy ... ("Tell the Guardian of the Lesser Seal that I am sealed in the restroom ..."

Words about Clement Attlee, the premiere predecessor, a rival from the Labor Party, with whom Churchill had to cooperate for many years: “A sheep in sheep's clothing,” Churchill called Attlee. “This is a humble person who has a whole fountain of reasons to be humble.”

Dialogue with Lady Astor, the first woman in the House of Commons: “If I were your wife, I would pour poison into your coffee.” “And if I were your husband, I would drink it.”

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In my statement, the British Prime Minister speaks of the need to create conditions for the existence of a free market.

The statement said that the manifestation of the black market is a reaction to gross government intervention in the existence of a free market.

From the theory course, we know that the market is a system of economic relations regarding the purchase and sale of goods and services. Signs of the market are: the presence of private property, free pricing, the independence of entrepreneurs. It is under these conditions that the market can develop normally. And the opposite of the free market is a black or illegal market, that is, such a system of relations in which entrepreneurs operate outside the law and do not pay taxes in favor of the state.

The reasons for the emergence of an illegal market are unfavorable economic conditions created by the state in relation to small, medium and large businesses, high taxes, frequent inspections, and strict requirements in relation to doing business.

A striking example confirming this point of view is the period of the history of the USSR of the 1970s, which went down in history under the name "era of stagnation." In the absence of private property, freedom of entrepreneurship and the ability to increase their well-being, citizens began to engage in illegal economic activities, which led to the emergence of a black market and the flourishing of speculation.

Another example is the youth forum shown on television, during which a meeting with the President of the Russian Federation took place, and the youth talked about the fact that due to constant orders and inspections it is impossible to open your own business and put it on its feet, which forces young people to illegal activities.

Thus, a state that does not create conditions for the development of a free market does not protect it, thereby forming a black market, depriving themselves of income, and of citizens - respect for existing laws.

Updated: 2018-04-03

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Analysis of the mini-essay according to the evaluation criteria of task No. 29. Demo 2019

29.1 The meaning is disclosed.   The main idea is highlighted and disclosed - the need for the state to create conditions for the existence of a free market. (1 point)

29.2 Theoretical content:

Signs of the market and reasons for moving away from the legal market in the shadow are given.

Disadvantages:now there is practically no free market anywhere, so the state is forced to regulate the economy! - This is a mixed type of economy. It was necessary to show ways of regulating the market by the state, namely: administrative methods, economic levers (tax and credit policy), legal levers (the fight against monopolies, restoration of competition); the departure of business into the black market is a consequence of excessive administrative pressure and an increase in the tax burden. (1 point out of 2)

29.3 The correctness of the use of concepts, reasoning (the presence or absence of errors)

Inaccuracy in the definition of a free market (instead of legal), but in the context of the statement, the error is insignificant (1 point out of 1)

29.4 Actual arguments:at least 2 correct facts / examples; examples should be from different sources: media, school subjects, personal experience, facts of public life; examples should be detailed.

An example from history is incorrect, erroneous: in the USSR of the 70s there was no market! The command-administrative type of economy dominated. Therefore, "illegal, black market in the USSR" - these were the phenomena of a market economy, that is the very free market that Churchill is talking about.

An example from the media: count.

One could give an example from personal experience, for example:

... my acquaintances, farmers in the village "came out of the shadows", i.e. registered their business and began to pay taxes. This was due to the fact that the state began to pursue a policy of tax holidays, simplified registration, tax cuts for agricultural producers, and the issuance of soft loans.

Because the government recently proclaimed a policy of reducing obsolete and redundant business inspections by state regulatory authorities (the “guillotine”); many entrepreneurs will prefer to conduct their business legally. The economy will revive, GDP growth will increase. The state and the whole society will benefit from this. (1 point out of 2)

You-be-te-one of the offerings below you-say-wa-niy and on its basis-on-pi-shi-te mini-so-chi-no-no .

For-mu-li-rui-te according to one’s own discretion, one or several basic ideas for three different themes and themes -te her (them) with support on the society, Vedic knowledge.

For the sake of disclosing the form (s) of the main idea (s) attached to the idea of \u200b\u200bdecoupling and you-vdy, using common society-Vedic knowledge (co-from-responsibility-to-nya-tiya, theo-re-ti- human polish).

For il-lu-stration of the form-li-ro-van-you, the main idea (s), theo-te-te-po-po-same niy, rassuzh-de-niy and you-vodov pri-ve-di-te no less than two soci-al-al facts / examples from different different sources -ni-kov (of public life (including on the basis of mass media), personal, social, al-no experience (including including pro-chit-tan books, pro-wat-ted ki-no-films), from various educational subjects.

Each actual fact / example should be unfolded and wait for an identified basic idea, theo -re-te-a-po-same, reasoning or conclusion / to be clearly connected with them. By their own content, for example, they should not be the same type (they should not oak each other).

29.1 Fi-lo-so-fi:   "From the affirmation and from-ri-tsa-rya-yes-is-is-ti-na." (L. Feuchtwan-ger)

29.2 Eco-no-mi-ka:   “If you are a free market, you create a black market. Where there are ten thousand pre-pi-sa-niy, there can be no respect for the same ". (W. Cher-chill)

29.3 So-cyo-lo-giya, so-qi-al-naya psi-ho-lo-giya:   “Personality harak-ter-ri-zu-is not only because of what it does, but how it does it.” (F. En-gels)

29.4 Po-li-giya:   "The power must give support in thoughts and feelings on the road." (B.N. Chi-che-rin)

29.5 Right of Way:   “Nobody needs to conclude a marriage, but all must be required to conclude marriage, once he gets up drank into marriage. " (C. Marx)


1. The task is an alternative, that is, you must select one thing   saying of five write out a quote and its numberbefore you start writing a mini essay. What you should pay attention to:

1.1. Section of Social Studiesin the context of which the statement is given. It is on him that the sphere in which the arguments are presented, the social science concepts used, etc.

1.2. The meaning of the statement   must be fully understood by the student. If it is opened incorrectly, the mini-essay cannot be read for K1 (the first criterion), 0 points are set and the mini-essay itself is not evaluated.

2. Structure of the mini composition:

2.1. It is necessary to explain the meaning of the statement. In this part, it is necessary to highlight the key idea or ideas of the statement. (K1, max. 1 point) Not allowed: substitution of the meaning of the utterance with general reasoning (“homework”) that does not reflect the specifics of the proposed utterance; direct retelling, paraphrasing of the quoted statement or a sequential explanation of each word in the statement without explaining the meaning of the statement as a whole.

2.2. Necessary on theoretical level   Reveal every aspect of the main idea or ideas of the author’s statement. Required Items:

2.2.1. Using key to the main idea or ideas of the utterance of social science of concepts, their explanation, as well as theoretical provisions that reveal the idea or ideas of the statement. Importantso that they correspond to the section of social science in which the statement is given. (K2, max. 2 points).

2.2.2. In the context of at least one distinguished idea, relying on the correct explanation (s) of the key concept (s), the theoretical positions are given related, consistent and consistent reasoning, on the basis of which a valid and reliable point of view of scientific social science conclusion (K3, max. 1 point).

2.3. Need to bring at least two examples from different fieldsthat will reinforce the theoretical argument. (K4, max 2 points) Required elements:

2.3.1. Use examples from different sources. As sources can be used facts of public life (including according to media reports), personal social experience (including including books read, films watched), materials of educational subjects (history, geography, etc.). Examples from different subjects are considered as examples from various sources.

2.3.2. Each example should in practice reflect the theoretical position of the argument.

3. When writing a mini essay, it is important to remember:

3.1. In the structure, internal contradictions must be avoided.

3.2. Each part should be organically included in the structure of the mini-essay (the argumentation corresponds to the aspects of the problem indicated in the explanation of the utterance, and the actual examples illustrate the theoretical arguments).

3.3. It is necessary to avoid everyday language.

3.4. Gross grammatical errors must be avoided, especially in social science and other subject terminology.

3.5. The presence of errors, from the point of view of scientific social science, as well as semantic and factual errors, leads to a decrease in scores for K2 and / or K4, depending on the nature of the error.

This man with the appearance of a Rablesian hero really seems to me to have stepped from somewhere from the Renaissance times in our time: he is a warrior (in his youth with arms in his hands he demonstrated miracles of courage), and a politician (needs no explanation), and an artist (his paintings under the pseudonym Charles Morin appeared at the annual exhibitions of the Royal Academy of Arts, exhibited in Paris and purchased at fairly high prices by collectors), and a writer (in 1953 Winston Churchill was awarded the Nobel Prize in literature, awarded "For the great skill in the historical and biographical genres and for excellence in oratory") ... In addition, this extraordinary man entered the history of modern culture, and as a recognized master of the aphorism.

Before the first performance of Pygmalion, Bernard Shaw wrote to Churchill: “Here are two tickets to the premiere of my new play - one for you, the other for your friend, if, of course, you have one.” Churchill replied: “I regret that I can’t be at the premiere, but I will be glad to see the second performance, if, of course, it ever takes place.”

Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill (1874 - 1965)

Never give up - never, never, never, never, neither in the big, nor in the small, nor in the large, nor in the small, never give up, if this does not contradict honor and common sense. Never succumb to power, never succumb to the obviously superior power of your adversary.

I thought I would die of old age. But when Russia, which fed the whole of Europe with bread, began to buy grain, I realized that I would die of laughter.

Russians have always been underestimated, but meanwhile they know how to keep secrets not only from enemies, but also from friends.

Most of all, Russians admire power, and there is nothing to which they have less respect than military weakness.

The Bolsheviks themselves create difficulties that they successfully overcome.

The first tragedy of Russia is the birth of Lenin; the second is his death.

The British are the only people in the world who love when they are told that things are worse than ever.

In the photo: Churchill's mother Jenny Jerome (1854 - 1921), who was considered one of the most beautiful women of her time, with her sons: older Winston and younger Jack

There is no longer-term investment for a nation than feeding small children milk, food and education.

I am always ready to learn, but I do not always like to be taught.

In wartime, truth is so precious that it must be guarded by the guards of lies.

Politics is as exciting as war. But more dangerous. You can be killed only once in a war, many times in politics.

Photo of 1895. While serving in the 4th Hussar Regiment in India.

There are few virtues in the world that the Poles would not have, and few mistakes that they would not make.

In my country, authorities are proud to be servants of the state; to be his master would be considered a shame.

Justice is the eternal runaway from the camp of the winners.

In my youth, I made it a rule not to drink a drop of alcohol until dinner. Now that I'm not young, I keep the rule not to drink a drop of alcohol until breakfast.

Separated from the truth, conscience is nothing more than stupidity, it is regrettable, but not respectable.

Power is a drug. Those who have tried it at least once are poisoned by it forever.

Photo of 1899. Lt. Churchill in the regiment of the South African light cavalry during the Boer War.

We will go to the end, we will fight in France, we will fight on the seas and oceans, we will fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we will defend our island, no matter what it costs us, we will fight on the shore , we will fight on landing sites, we will fight in the fields and on the streets, we will fight in the mountains, we will never give up.

A prisoner of war is one who first tries to kill you and fails, and then asks not to kill him.

The inherent vice of capitalism is inequality in welfare; the inherent virtue of socialism is equality in poverty.

All I wanted was to agree with my desires after a constructive discussion.

Always check quotes: yours - before saying, strangers - after they are said.

Every medal not only shines, but also casts a shadow.

Not one hour spent in the saddle can be considered a lost hour.

Responsibility is the price we pay for power.

The difference between a statesman and a politician is that the politician is guided by the next election, and the statesman by the next generation.

Periodically, people stumble over the truth and fall, but most then get up and hurry on, as if nothing had happened.

War is for the most part a catalog of blunders.

1914 photo

War is too serious a matter to trust in its generals.

Generals always prepare for the last war.

Making concessions to enemies is like feeding a crocodile that will eat you last.

You can always count on what the Americans will do right - after they try all the other options.

The motto of the British is business no matter what.

Democracy is the worst form of government, apart from all the others that humanity has tried in its history.

The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter.

Dictators ride tigers, afraid to get off them. Meanwhile, tigers are beginning to experience hunger.

A diplomat is a person who thinks twice before saying nothing.

To fake a beautiful woman is not an easy matter, because she will not fade from your words.

A strong, silent man is too often just because he is silent because he has nothing to say.

If Hitler invaded hell, I would at least put in a word for the devil in the House of Commons.

If the Lord decided to re-create the world and ask for my advice, I would suggest surrounding all the English Channel countries. And to make sure that everything that tries to fly burns immediately.

If you want to achieve a goal, do not try to be delicate or smart. Use rude tricks. Hit the target right away. Come back and hit again. Then hit again - with the strongest blow of the shoulder ... (about Stanley Baldwin)

If truth is multifaceted, then lies are multifaceted.

Looking too far ahead is shortsighted.

Note that the former prime minister of one power is made an honorary citizen of another power.

Having embarked on a dispute between the present and the past, we find that we have lost the future.

Time is a bad ally.

Time and money are mostly interchangeable.

When both sides run out of arguments, bombs begin to rumble.

A consultation is when a person is asked: “Do you mind if your head is chopped off tomorrow?” And when you find out that he is against, the head is chopped off the next day.

Saving money is a good thing, especially if your parents have already done it.

A club with too many members ceases to be a club.

Whoever agrees with everyone, nobody agrees with that.

Anyone who knows how to sign a peace treaty advantageous to himself would never have won the war.

India is not a country, it is a geographical term. To call India "nation" is the same as to call the "nation" the equator.

Many try to equate the fire and the fire brigade.

Better to make news than to talk about them.

The best way to stay consistent is to change with circumstances.

I am often asked: "What are we fighting for?" I can answer: "Stop fighting - then you will find out."

The peacemaker is the one who feeds the crocodile in the hope that he will eat him last.

My wife and I tried to have breakfast together two or three times in 40 years of our life together, but it turned out to be so unpleasant that I had to stop it.

In the West, the armies were too large for the local countries. In the East, countries were too large for armies.

Writing a book is a love adventure: first fun, then the book becomes a lover, wife, master and, finally, a tyrant.

Nationalism is the last refuge of villains.

The unprecedented thickness of this report protected him from the danger of being read.

The Germans, like no other nation, combine the qualities of an exemplary warrior and an exemplary slave.

A postcard drawn by German cartoonists and sent in October 1939 to Churchill, who at that time held the post of naval minister

Nothing in life is so inspiring as the fact that they shot and missed you.

One of the most common causes of errors in politics is the temptation to report to a high-ranking leader exactly what he most would like to hear. Thus, the leader, on whose decisions the further development of events depends, the situation seems more optimistic than the real one, due to gross facts.

He is most determined in indecision and stronger in weakness.

The pessimist sees difficulties at every opportunity; an optimist sees an opportunity in any difficulty.

A monstrous amount of false conjectures walks around the world, and the worst thing is that half of them are pure truth.

A politician should be able to predict what will happen tomorrow, in a week, in a month, and in a year. And then explain why this did not happen.

Under existing political institutions, one sometimes still has to reckon with the opinions of others.

The reputation of the state is most accurately determined by the amount that it is able to borrow.

We need every citizen to be ready for desperate resistance. Do not hesitate, they are capable of this if they are sure that otherwise they will simply be cut out. It is necessary to arm the militias. If needed, even women should be allowed to go into battle.

I never criticize the government of my country while abroad, but more than compensate for this upon return.

First you need to be honest, and only then - noble.

I'm an optimist. I don’t see much benefit being anything else.

At my age, I can no longer afford to feel bad.

Socialists believe that making a profit is a sin. I believe that the real sin is to suffer losses.

Where there are ten thousand prescriptions, there can be no respect for the law.

Television is cheap and vulgar entertainment.

It’s impossible to predict how Russia will behave, it’s always a mystery, moreover, it’s a puzzle, no, it’s a mystery.

Only Lenin could lead the Russians out of the swamp where he had led them.

The British always have their own line of behavior - but not a straight line.

Together with the grandson of Winston Churchill Jr. (1940 - 2010)

A smart person does not make all the mistakes himself - he gives others a chance.

A big advantage is given to one who made mistakes early enough to learn from.

I love pigs. Dogs look at us from the bottom up. Cats look down at us. Pigs look at us as equals.

Success is the ability to move from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm.

A fanatic is a person who cannot change his views and cannot change the subject.

Man has expanded his power over all but himself.

I took much more from alcohol than he did from me.

Humanity is like a ship in a storm. The compass is damaged, sea charts are hopelessly outdated, the captain is thrown overboard, and sailors must take turns to replace it. Moreover, each turn of the steering wheel has to be coordinated not only with crew members, but also with passengers, who are on the deck every minute more.

Children come to this world in a very unusual way! And as soon as God thought of it?

School teachers have a power that prime ministers can only dream of.

I have always followed the rule: do not run if you can stand; don't stand if you can sit; don't sit if you can lie.

I have long noticed that everyone wants to blame me for everything. Obviously, they think guilt decorates me.

It’s easier to manage a nation than to raise four children.

I am easily satisfied with the best.

I think that history will be favorable to me, since I myself am going to write it myself.

I am ready to meet the Creator. Another thing is whether the Creator is ready for such a difficult test as a meeting with me.

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