Appreciate what you have quotes. Quotes with the word "appreciate"

Live a century - study a century ... And yet ... Wisdom does not come to all over the years ... They do not become wise, they are born wise ... It just opens later ...

Especially for our readers, we picked up the 30 best quotes for the week.

1. Do not complain about life - someone dreams of such a life as you live.

2. The basic rule of life is not to allow people or circumstances to break themselves.

3. Never show a man how much you need him. You won’t see anything good in return.

4. One cannot expect from a person that which is unusual for him. You do not squeeze a lemon to get tomato juice.

5. After the rain, a rainbow always comes, after tears - happiness.

6. One day you will accidentally find yourself at the right time at the right place, and millions of roads will converge at one point.

7. What you believe in becomes your world.

8. A diamond that has fallen into the mud, still remains a diamond, and dust that has risen to heaven remains dust.

9. Do not call, do not write, are not interested - so do not need. Everything is simple and there’s nothing to come up with.

10. I know people are not saints. Sins are spelled out by fate. For me, it's better honestly evil than people with deceitful kindness!

11. Be like a lotus that is always clean and blooms even in troubled waters.

12. And God forbid everyone to be with those with whom the heart does not seek others.

13. There is no better place than a house, especially if there is a mother in it.

14. People constantly come up with problems for themselves. Why not make yourself happy?

15. It hurts - when a child wants to see mom and dad, but they are not. You can survive the rest.

16. Happiness is near ... Do not invent ideals for yourself ... Appreciate what you have.

17. Never lie to someone who trusts you. Never trust the one who lied to you.

18. Mom, even if she is prickly, is still the best!

19. There is no need to be afraid of distances. And in the distance you can love hard, and you can quickly part near.

20. I always consider the last book I read the best until I take on something new.

21. We give LIFE to children, and they give us SENSE!

22. A happy person is one who does not regret the past, is not afraid of the future, and does not crawl into someone else's life.

23. The pain sometimes goes away, but thoughts remain.

24. How much wisdom is needed to never lose kindness!

25. Having abandoned me once, do not meddle in my life anymore. Never.

26. Appreciate the one who cannot live without you. And do not chase those who are happy without you.

27. Remember: you attract to yourself what you believe!

28. Only one thing you can regret in life - that you once did not dare.

29. The most natural thing in this world is change. Living things cannot be frozen.

30. One wise man was asked: "What to do if you fall out of love?"

“Take your soul and leave,” he replied.

How to relate to yourself and to people [Another edition] Kozlov Nikolai Ivanovich

Appreciate what you have

Appreciate what you have

"What we have is something we don’t value; if we lose, we cry." It’s sad, but this is exactly the ordinary strategy of experiences.

You do not have a good tape recorder, but you want it and therefore suffer. You bought it - are you happy for a long time? A week? Month? Or are you unhappy with something again? While things are not there, we value and, accordingly, we are experiencing (longing, impatience), have gained - have depreciated (short-term delight turning into long-term indifference). True, if a thing breaks down, we experience its absence again. They brought it from the workshop - we are not experiencing its long-awaited appearance, but complain that we spent time and money on repairs.

The mechanism of such “suffering” is more than simple: a good person just knows, remembers (and even then only with a reminder), but he does not just see the bad, but also experiences actively. It's unavoidable? This is true? What is this for?

Is it good that a husband does not drink? Of course, but how many wives of non-drinking husbands enjoy this daily? Why? And if at the same time, the husband has a small salary and does not always help with the housework, will emotions be more vivid and frequent about this? Why?

Why are its merits only realized, and its disadvantages still experienced? And vice versa, is it possible?

Another picture from life. Two girls work in one department. One is pretty, and her face and figure attract her eyes; True, the features of her character and intellectual capabilities attract to a much lesser extent ... Directly opposite her is her colleague - a smart and sweet, kind person, but ... her appearance "makes us wish for the best." Both sit and suffer: each envies the other for what she lacks, and does not value what she has. Is funny Is sad

If I want to be happy, I must know that happiness begins only with me, and not with something or someone around. This will always be either not enough or too much.


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How often do people complain about their lives! They do not like everything, they are unhappy with everything, nothing brings happiness ... Why is this happening?

1. We don’t know for what we live ...

Unfortunately, many people live a gray and comfortable life. They had a dream, but once they buried it and plunged into the routine world, which completely sucked them. Understand 100% responsibility for your life lies with youtherefore it is foolish to blame circumstances, destiny, God, horoscope, stars, etc. Choose the life you dream of. Drop anchors and sail away from the usual harbor!

Decide what do you want to contribute to this society? Perhaps you are inspired by the example of Mother Teresa, Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King?

« H a man who has not found anything in life, for which he is ready to die, is not worth living ».

Martin Luther King

I found my mission, I realized what I want to live for and what I feel every day is beyond words. You can read more about my mission on this LINK.

Fight for your dream! Find your calling! Be true to your work  and you will live a life full of beautiful days.

2. Stop comparing.

There is a category of people who just do that compare themselves with other, more successful people. Believe me - it is an abyss from which it is very difficult to break out.  In your heart, hatred for yourself or for a more successful person can arise, envy that will devour you every day, anger at this world and fate. Know, behind each successful person is the painstaking and daily work that he did. Start acting, and in time everything will change.

3. Feel your uniqueness.

I am sure that God created this world and gave each of us unique talents and abilities. Find them, polish them, thanks to new knowledge and practice - become the best in your field. You are uniquely created! People like you cannot be found. Get it!

4. Thank you for having.

That is what this article is called. The biggest secret of prosperous people is that they thank God every day for what they have. Appreciate every moment, because it will not happen again!  Live today, not an ephemeral future. Do your best today to get other results tomorrow. Money will not make you rich. Gratitude, peace in the heart, joy and happiness - these are the things that will make you a truly rich person.

Do a little exercise:

Sit back and close your eyes. Imagine that all that you had is gone. Your money, your house, apartment, clothes - EVERYTHING! Nothing left. Now imagine that you have stopped seeing, hearing, feeling ... You have no arms, no legs, no body, and the brain is connected to a computer ...


You never know which kiss will be the last, which reproach will not be expressed again, which conversation will never take place, with whom you will never argue again and where you will never return. You never know how another story will end in your life. But while it lasts, you need to appreciate every moment, every second, every moment!


We often do not value what we have.
We regret later. We live as we can.
But only when someone leaves forever
Wisdom and regret comes to us.

So rarely "love you" repeat
And, it seems, we manage our life.
Kissing in a hurry, rushing events
Not realizing that there may not be them.

How often do we have, without appreciating
And we only appreciate what we don’t have.
We envy others, we regret ourselves,

We often do not value what we have

We often do not value what we have.
And we ourselves don’t know that we are losing a lot.
Sometimes, like a miracle, we wait for something,
Having completely forgotten about his own, about his own.

We, looking into the distance, hoping dreams,
We often do not believe that they are not needed there.
How bitter, annoying it is at times,
With an unfulfilled dream we say goodbye.

And how hard it is to come back again -
Bad omen, you will not be happy.
But you have to live and rise from your knees,
Give everything to those who are in bad weather with you.

Give warmth to those near you
Do not chase a ghostly bright dream.
A dream is like a star: a flash, shine and faded ...
Keep love that has not died away!

Keep love, what else is so beautiful!
Save it, do not take it in vain.
Your demon tempter is exiled ...
You really are not an angel, but you are a winner!

Do not forgive betrayal! Any betrayal is a comparison, a search for the best you have. He who seeks the best will never value what he has.

We often do not value what we have

We often do not value what we have until we lose.
We do not value what is near, but by losing weeping.
We want to forget everything, cross out crosswise.
We say goodbye, hoping that someday we will meet again.
We erase the address, phone number, but never wipe it from memory.
We want to find the best, knowing that the best is in the past.
We say no, but the heart screams yes.
We say goodbye, but the soul screams "don't let go."
We know that we love, but we won’t say it first.
We say what we think, but we already know the answer.
We want to be loved, but we pretend that we do not love, not realizing that the greatest happiness on earth is to be needed by someone.
Love pushes a person to any actions, no matter what.
Love is fragile, like crystal, it is very easy to break it, it is difficult to preserve, but it is even harder to glue the fragments back.

Appreciate what you have

When you do not want, but have, -
Do it without appreciating.
When you lose, you understand:
Without this, it is no longer possible.

Waking up late, you regret ...
Sorry you didn’t notice.
Appreciate what you have
Love until you lose!

We cry because of our quarrels with our parents, but someone has no parents at all. We complain about our work, but someone does not have it at all. We hate ourselves because we are overeating, and someone dreams of a normal diet. We are angry at our beloved person, and someone lost him and will never return. We do not like our mess in the apartment, we dream of moving to a huge house, and someone dreams of 9 square meters in a communal apartment. We need to appreciate everything that we have at the moment, and be grateful to fate.

Only by losing ...

Only by losing, we understand that we loved.
Only by losing do we beg us to forgive.
Only having lost, we blame ourselves for not appreciating.
Only by losing do we learn to love!

Only after losing does blood boil in the heart.
Only having lost, the soul knocks on the alarm.
Only having lost, we look for a way to warm ourselves,
Quickly bring your little star back!

Only having lost, not believing in the law of fate,
Tears flow we wash our face.
Only having lost, knock on all doors,
But the tram left and we are not destined!

Only by losing do we break the rails
And let the train go downhill.
We are building the road to a wounded heart,
But to establish feelings is not given seriously!

Just lose, light candles
For your love and tenderness.
Forgetting the cold has mutilated the heart,
Candles will not help to become kinder to him!

Lovely people, be wiser
Take care of your love!
Light a spark in your heart soon
Let the soul remain in order!

Do not play with the feelings of others,
Remember: love is always pure!
The pain will overtake, the days will be dashing
And the soul wants tenderness!

When it is no longer possible without each other

We seek, meet, find, lose.
Having - we do not value, meeting - we give up.
Tries and torture. They got together, fled ...
They didn’t have time to live and parted again.

But where is the love, forever and without edge?
Or maybe this, or maybe another?
Faces, bodies and smiles change
But the search only multiplies errors.

Love, affection, passion - whatever,
We play freely with ourselves and others.
When love is not difficult to guess,
When it is already impossible without each other ...

How often do we have without appreciating

Julie Woers

Seeking love and not finding
They lost love and did not cherish.
"Love does not exist," people said
And they themselves died without love.

Everything is over. And will not return again
Those meetings that I waited and avoided
Those thoughts and the intimacy that scared
And sweet hopes of love.

How often do we have, without appreciating
And we only appreciate what we don’t have,
We envy others, we regret ourselves,
In their problems, the near blame.

Without thinking how easy it is to lose
All that is given to us by fate
We break happiness with our own hand
And try to pick up the fragments.

We act bolder and dumber
Separation is not pleasing ...
Not the feelings we lose, but the calm
While making yourself hurt.

It’s easy to advise others, it’s easy to judge -
Alien life passes by ...
Its own - fog, where it is cold alone.
But, despite this, you need to live.

I want you to forget me.
I pray about this as a miracle.
Then I did not have enough strength
To tell you that "us" will not be.

You know: it hurts to leave
When a little more, but love.
Madly want to forget
But do you really forget those feelings?

And meeting - trembling on the back,
Heartbeat, palms cold.
What are you talking about? Come on, the words are empty
They are just an excuse

Just hold on for a moment
Look into the eyes ... Suddenly everything will return ?!
And all that is long gone
Anxious pain will stir. ☸ ڿڰۣ-

Probably, everyone knows the expression - value what you have. But does everyone strive to do so? Most, on the contrary, tend to complain about their lives and consider what they have as an insufficient condition for a happy existence. This is not only about material wealth, but also about children, health, talent, performance and other things that can not be felt.

Better prepare in advance

“You have - you don’t value, you lose, you cry” - how often this statement turns out to be true. Having learned from the experience of others, it would seem that you need to think and build your life in such a way that you do not regret what was lost due to your confidence in the insufficiency of this. But more often than not, everything turns out differently. For example, human health. In youth, it seems that the body's safety margin is endless. But over the years, certain health problems make themselves felt. As you know, people don’t value what they have, so they start to treat them seriously only after some tragic event occurs. For example, if the doctor warns the patient that if he does not quit smoking, his heart may not be able to withstand the load, he continues to do this until he gets to the hospital with a heart attack. And if a person manages to recover, he begins to lead a healthy lifestyle, zealously protecting himself and others from the harmful effects of cigarettes. But this is no longer a full-fledged existence, such as it was when he was healthy, it will not become. Many restrictions appeared, something that he can no longer do, having suffered a serious illness. How much a person in this case is worried because of his disobedience. It is not in vain that they say "value what you have."

Invisible amenities

Only having lost something, you begin to understand how important and expensive it was. If something or someone is constantly nearby, then the person ceases to notice it and begins to want something new and inaccessible. In his opinion, this will be what he is so lacking for happiness. Therefore, people abandon each other, leave their families, leave for other cities, take loans to buy new things. But in the end it turns out that the old husband or wife was no worse, problems arise, the material goes out of fashion and ceases to please, or there is no way to return borrowed money and it would be better if the old smartphone, which also worked fine.

Other examples are needed

"Appreciate what you have," perhaps the concept of happiness lies in these words. If a person is happy with what he has, he is already happy. Is it possible to learn to be satisfied with oneself, with what one possesses, one's figure, mind, determination? Most likely, examples of other people who had to survive the loss and come to the conclusion that you need to value what you have will help in this. For example, many complain about their parents. Someone they are not rich enough, someone shy of their behavior, or even considers limited. But we must remember how many children in orphanages dream of having a mom and dad. There is no doubt that they assess the situation differently and think about having parents, and not about what they are.

The coin has two sides

There is no doubt that loving mother and father give the child everything they have. You can look at this question through the eyes of parents who cannot have babies. Often, those who have them are dissatisfied with their behavior, school grades, their chosen profession or life partner. But those who come to the orphanage dream of only one thing, so that they have their own child. It is important for them to give someone their love, the rest does not matter. But at the same time, the question arises: will they value their adopted child more than real parents? It is definitely impossible to answer it, but only one thing is clear that it will be more valuable for them than for those who refused it and handed it over to the shelter.

Sometimes you should not be upset

Often, instead of comforting in a difficult situation, you can hear the phrase "value what you have." This, of course, makes sense and the truth of life. But on the other hand, is everything necessary to be valued so as to be afraid of losing. Will the development of society stop if everyone is content only with what they have? Of course, this relates more to the material than to the spiritual. Although developing your personality and striving for self-improvement is still better than driving yourself into a certain framework and believing that you need to use only those, for example, mental, opportunities that you initially have. Experience shows that, with desire and perseverance, a person reaches a new level of intellectual development and thereby promotes overall human progress. Also, it is not always worth being satisfied with your figure, the shortcomings of which can be easily eliminated by going in for sports or by applying a harmless diet, which in turn will increase self-esteem, and, therefore, will have a positive effect on a person.

And finally, if people were happy that they had to carry water from a river or a well with buckets, read at a splinter, ride horses, cook in an oven, then mankind would never invent electricity, running water and fly into space. In this case, you cannot say that you have, do not value, you lose, you cry.

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