A rational offer in the automotive industry. Making a proposal: ideas should work

Inventions, rationalization proposals, utility models are of great importance in the process of improving the technologies used. All of them act as objects of technical creativity. However, the most massive of them are rationalization proposals. In an enterprise striving for the most effective achievement of its goals, they are far from the last significance. Let us further consider this category in more detail.

Positive points

Thanks to the rationalization proposal, the existing technical solution can be improved, the equipment used can be modernized and adapted to certain production conditions. In addition, with the help of such implementations, it becomes possible to eliminate certain errors of designers or constructors. According to the data provided in specialized publications, rationalization proposals in recent times have provided about 70% of the total savings in the Russian economic system.


In the previous position, the rationalization proposal was a technical solution that was useful and new to the production, institution or organization to which it was directed. It implied a change in technology, design of products or equipment, the composition of the material. In addition, certain types of solutions that belonged to the category under consideration were also cited.

According to this provision, the rationalization proposal possessed such features as utility, novelty and technical solution. In today's recommendations, the definition is given in a slightly modified form. In particular, a rationalization proposal is a managerial, organizational or technical solution that is recognized as useful and new for this structure. The definition shows that only the first part has changed. Thus, the rationalization proposal has ceased to be confined exclusively to the field of technical methods for solving urgent practical problems.


First of all, it should be noted that the proposal, which is being introduced as rationalization, does not just have to pose any problem. Through it, it is necessary to disclose specific ways to solve the problem. A situation should be created in which, thanks to a rationalization proposal, it would be possible to obtain the expected result with maximum efficiency and with the least losses. New solutions will not be recognized as useful and new, just stating any need, limited to indicating the feasibility of holding an event or a positive result that can be achieved during its implementation, and so on.

Rationalization proposals, examples of which will be given below, include a fundamental answer. The solution should be so concise that there is no need to build any guesses or assumptions. The proposal reveals the essence of the author’s idea, and its implementation does not require additional creative modifications. This condition will be considered fulfilled if there is enough information in the solution and materials explaining it for the practical implementation of the plan by means of well-known methods of design (construction).

Execution methods

Providing a solution to the problem can be carried out using managerial, organizational, technical means or their combination. Among the proposals of a technical orientation, those that relate to structural changes in products, production technologies, equipment used, or material composition prevail. Such solutions are focused on improvement and modernization. At the same time, recognition of a project that provides for the introduction of new technology or technology is not excluded. Management and organizational decisions contribute to the achievement of an effective result through appropriate measures or management optimization.

What could be the rationalization proposals?

There are various examples. So, the decision may relate to the arrangement of labor resources, workflow. A rationalization proposal may be made regarding equipment repair, work schedule changes, and so on. The solution may have an organizational and technical focus, combining different elements. So, thanks to the rationalization proposal, it is possible to improve the condition of jobs for workers, optimal equipment placement, efficient separation or combination of production operations, and so on.


This is the second integral sign of a useful solution. The rationalization proposal, in contrast to inventions, is subject to the requirement of local novelty. This means that this attribute must be present within the companies to which the decisions are sent. A proposal will be considered new if it was not known about it to the extent that would be sufficient for its implementation before it was submitted to the enterprise.


Novelty is determined in accordance with a specific time period. Regarding rationalization proposals, the concept of primacy is used. It is determined by the date of receipt of a correctly executed application for the implementation of the project. Superiority will be recognized by the author who made it the first according to the established procedure. Only information that discloses the essence of a given or identical project that has become known prior to a specified championship date may be opposed to a proposal.

Information Fund

The rationalization proposal includes:


It must be borne in mind that a useful and new proposal should be the result of the creative activity of the person submitting it. Often in special publications it is proposed to consider this symptom as an independent criterion for the "protection" of the decision. However, according to some experts, this is not particularly necessary due to the fact that all intellectual property, for which copyright is recognized, should be creative.

Thus, it is initially believed that all objects of this kind, among which there is also a rationalization proposal, are the result of creative activity directly by the creators themselves and are not borrowed from open sources. Of course, the latter should be obvious. The refusal to recognize the proposal as rationalizing on the basis of the establishment of borrowing is, therefore, allowed only if this fact is proved or is not disputed directly by the applicant.

Nastya France, Paris # 4 July 2, 2009, 8:21 Julia, many carry out those instructions about which there are not half a word in the instructions. the time is difficult now, hold on to the work, that’s where you are adjusting to the bosses. I want to draw the attention of the moderator to this message because: A notification is being sent ... Give me peace of mind and distillery I want to draw the attention of the moderator to this message because: sending a notification ... Galina (guest) # 5 July 2, 2009, 8:30 if in your competence, then make suggestions to reduce the cost of office supplies, representation, mob communication, office maintenance (if there is such an expense item) - introduce a more stringent limit For example.

How to make a rationalization proposal?

At the beginning of the sugar beet processing season, when all centrifuges are started, the first batch of sugar is obtained that does not comply with GOST.

Previously, this sugar was dried, packaged and sent to a warehouse for subsequent re-processing.

Now, instead of releasing a poor-quality product, the massecuite mass is dissolved to a certain value in boiling apparatus and dumped into a trowel mixer with a further return to the process stream.


To achieve this and thereby eliminate unnecessary stages of work, my colleagues and I used the usual pipeline, which used to be in another section, ”explains Khludentzova.

   “We improved the equipment and put it into operation.”

After the implementation of this project, the team’s joint work to increase production efficiency did not end.

Innovation, innovation

And we must not offer what to buy specifically, but rather how to save! I wanted to offer to transfer the Internet to my computer to the reception, otherwise it is in the next office.

And you have to run back and forth. But the innovator was put on him.
to keep track of company vehicles. So now I have a beard on the Internet! I want to draw the attention of the moderator to this message, because: Notification is being sent ...
   «First ← Prev.1 2 Next

Making a proposal: ideas should work

Similar techniques are applicable in the agricultural sector. For example, the Kuban agricultural holding (part of the Basic Element) was the first agricultural company in Russia to launch in 2007 a production system based on kaizen principles.


According to it, everything from ordinary workers to mid-level employees is working on modernizing technologies, reducing time and labor costs, ”the then general director of Kuban Fedor Druzhinin said in an interview with Agroinvestor in 2008.

- For the first time in Russia, this system was introduced at GAZ. As a result, labor productivity there has quadrupled. ”
   Druzhinin and the company's specialists were trained at the car factory, although at first the manager doubted its appropriateness.
« An automobile plant is machines, walls, heat, a monotonous technological process every day.

I want to draw the attention of the moderator to this message, because: Notification is being sent ...

Kseniya [email protected]  Russia, Nizhnevartovsk # 7 July 2, 2009, 9:54 I will tell you which, you need to know what is included in your duties and what departments you can steer yourself ...? I want to draw the attention of the moderator to this message, because: Notification is being sent ...
   IRINA Russian Federation, Sukhoi Log # 8 July 2, 2009, 17:39 Ksenia, my business is small - print documents and select the necessary information on the Internet’s request (we have an unlimited amount).
   Stationery is bought by an accountant, tea, coffee, etc. we take in our store (our company has a network of shops, a household, a hairdressing salon, a canteen, milk and meat, too, etc.), therefore, this also does not have to be spent.
What should be the amount of encouragement for employees to be truly motivated to improve something? In GAZ, for example, they believe that the amount of remuneration should depend on the contribution of the worker: let's say, just 200 rubles are paid for submitting kaizen to the company, and 500 rubles for its introduction. Other companies refuse to talk about the size of remuneration to their employees, but confirm that the figures announced by GAZ are quite acceptable and are considered “average in the market”. Isn't money the main thing? Meanwhile, despite the recommendations of experts, some companies manage to engage employees in improvement processes free of charge. Their staff is ready to make proposals without any leverage of material motivation. One such company is Citibank.

Innovative suggestions examples in the office

Workshop employees, noting how involved Khludentsova takes in the program “Your Idea Works,” come to consult her: they ask how to describe their idea, does it make sense.

The specialist helps them because he sees that management appreciates the proposals.

According to Gorbunov, the fact that the company has employees who are not indifferent to the production process, and they are ready to support colleagues and management in the necessary changes or propose them, suggests that the company can count on success.

At TechBioKorm (sale of feed for agricultural animals), the site manager personally helped the specialist in feeding cows Galina Ivanova improve her rationalization.

It consisted in increasing the safety of animals and increasing the average milk yield by changing the daily diet of cows.

This article is devoted to a very important and integral part of the activities of any enterprise - rationalization. What exactly is its importance, and how to create your own rational proposal?

Rationalization (rationalization activity at the enterprise)  - This is the process of improving the means and methods of production in order to increase its effectiveness. It includes the improvement of technology, technology, labor organization, production and management.

The main thing in the article, if there is no time to read:

  • they pay money for rationalization proposals
  • rationalization proposals should be unique within one enterprise - you can exchange with colleagues
  • you can submit rationalization proposals to the enterprise without being an employee through the community of innovators and inventors
  • in the presence of an economic effect, payments can be substantial

The principle of rationalization - in a simple sense, is needed in order to improve the functioning of elements in the space surrounding us, to optimize the level of their interaction. Most often, rationalization in production involves the search for more economical solutions that will allow you to get the desired result with less labor and resources. In practice, this is achieved by improvements in several areas. For example, the improvement of the means of labor and technological processes is the modernization and technical re-equipment of the equipment used to ensure positive trends in the development of the company. For the same purpose, the results of labor are improved, but definitely in other ways - by expanding the range of services provided, improving the consumer properties of manufactured products, and so on. And improvements in labor processes (rationalization of labor) provide for a more favorable working environment by eliminating factors that lead to stressful situations in the work team, material incentives for each individual employee, and increasing the interest of the formed staff in increasing the status of the enterprise.

Companies need rational ideas, employees come up with ideas - to obtain mutual benefits, it remains to establish a connection between these links. Rationalization activity, as part of innovation, is regulated at the state level.

TNLA governing rationalization activities. The recognition of rationalization proposals

the Russian Federation

The organizational conditions for the development of innovation were determined by the Decision of Rospatent and the Ministry of Industry of Russia dated 06.06.1996 N 6/7 “On Methodological Recommendations for the Organization and Implementation of Rationalization Work at the Enterprises of the Russian Federation”. In accordance with this Decision, a technical, organizational or management proposal that is new and useful for a given enterprise may be considered as rationalization.

In Russia, the process of recognizing a proposal as rationalization is carried out by sending the author and then reviewing the application, drawn up in the form: Download the application form. Technical, organizational and managerial proposals must be drawn up in a separate order from each other. Proposals are also recorded in the journal, and regardless of whether a positive decision was made to accept them. When considering the application, the company performs its detailed analysis according to the criteria of technical solution, novelty and utility, and, in full compliance with the requirements of the enterprise, available resources, the size of the incentive payments to the author is assigned. Recognition of the rationalization proposal and the start of its application is accompanied by the issuance of a certificate to the author (co-authors) no later than a month later. The Russian legislation also provides for bonus payments to persons who have contributed to the use of this offer. Payments to the author are as follows:

  • up to a month after the proposal has been recognized as rationalizing (25% of the minimum wage);
  • up to 2 months after 1 year from the date of introduction of production or after the end of the application of the rationalization proposal (if the operation lasted less than a year, the rest of the remuneration is paid);
  • up to 2 months after the end of the 2nd year of application of the rationalization proposal, an additional payment is made if the volume of its application has increased compared to the previous year.

The remuneration shall not be lower than 50% of the minimum wage established in the Russian Federation regarding proposals with technical solutions and 25% with organizational and managerial ones. Its maximum sizes are not limited.


art. 481-484 of the Civil Code of Ukraine it is customary to consider the proposal approved by the legal entity to be a rational proposal, including any decision (improvement) regarding the organization of the process in any areas of activity.

In Ukraine, the number of transactions on intellectual property rights has recently grown significantly, and, in fact, a legal entity such as a rationalization proposal has begun a “new life”. At the same time, not only the process, but also the component of the material property of the company can act as an object of rationalization. A look-up table with a detailed description of the criteria according to which the proposal can be classified as rationalization is displayed below:

The subjects of IP rights to rationalization, based on the provisions of Article 483 of the Civil Code of Ukraine, its author and the legal entity to which it is addressed are speaking. The author is, in turn, an individual who made efforts to create a proposal, or a group of persons (co-authors) who jointly participated in the project. Ownership rights of the rationalization proposal are distributed among the co-authors on the basis of a mutual agreement and upon the fact of making personal creative contribution to its development (without taking into account the help of a technical, organizational or material plan, as well as facilitating the conclusion of an agreement with the company).

In Art. 484 of the Civil Code of Ukraine it is indicated that a legal entity which recognized the proposal as rationalizing has unlimited rights to use it. In addition, such acts differ from inventions or patents, plant varieties and other certificates of intellectual property in that they do not prohibit everyone, with the exception of the author himself, from authorizing their use. In general, the property rights of the author in this case come down to one thing - to receive remuneration for 2 years since the rationalization was integrated into the enterprise. The funds are paid by the legal entity that has become the subject of the contract.

Without recognition, the proposal will not become rationalized, and for recognition, in addition to the above aspects, it will be necessary to draw it up correctly. In general recognition procedure involves the following:

  • the filing by the author of the proposal of a written application in form N IB-5, in which all the necessary information must be indicated, such as a description, drawings, diagrams, sketches and everything that is directly related to its use in the enterprise;
  • putting forward a sufficiency requirement for implementation to the documentation submitted by the author (according to Article 482 of the Civil Code of Ukraine);
  • registration of the proposal in the company and consideration within 1 month of the decision on, in fact, recognition or non-recognition of its rationalization.

As a result of recognition, the company provides the author with a special certificate, on the basis of which he will receive a reward subsequently. This certificate contains information on:

  • name and (if available) company name of the company that issued the certificate;
  • name of the rationalization;
  • surnames of the author (surnames of co-authors from “A” to “Z”);
  • date of receipt of the proposal;
  • date of recognition;
  • registration number of the magazine proposal.

The certificate is confirmed by the signature of the company manager and the seal.

Temporary Act N 479/92 established the norms of the amount of remuneration, determined in the terms of the contract of the author and the company, with minimal boundaries in:

  • 10% of the annual income of the company from the implemented rationalization proposal (exact calculation is made according to the Methodological recommendations N 80);
  • 2% of the part of the cost of production (including work and services) that is accounted for by rationalization that does not extend a positive effect on income.

Remuneration is paid at the intervals specified in the contract, but no later than 3 months after the end of each year of application of the rationalization proposal in the organization.

Republic of Belarus

Decree of the Council of Ministers of February 17, 2010 No. 209 “On approval of the Regulation on rationalization in the Republic of Belarus”

In Belarus, a written application must comply with the above form.

Each of the solutions, whether technical or organizational, is also executed separately. The application and the materials attached to it must contain the signatures of all the co-authors and date of creation. After the application is registered, the author still has the right to make adjustments to it until a decision is made on its recognition / rejection, but the essence of the proposal cannot be redefined. For all corrections and additions, separate sheets with dates and signatures are entered. The certificate of acceptance of the proposal is transmitted to the author (each of the co-authors) within 30 days. The co-authors distribute the remuneration among themselves, based on the percentage indicated in their written agreement.The size of payments is determined by the situation at the enterprise, for proposals without an economic effect it is at least 2 basic units, and with an economic effect - up to 10% of the effect.


Applications for the alleged invention are drawn up accordingly to the “Guidelines for the preparation of applications for the invention (EZ-1-74)”, with no less stringent regulations on the constituent elements and nature of documents. It is mandatory that the application contains information on the full name of the author and co-authors, their official duties, education, year of birth. The document contains all the data on the proposal, such as its description, decision on acceptance / rejection, changes in technical documentation, calculated data on annual savings after the proposal has been introduced, and the author’s agreement on the mutual distribution of funds. In general terms, the author is required to calculate, analyze and state what the technical advantage of his solution is compared to already used and justify the expected economic effect of its implementation, as well as to evaluate the possible scope of application of this solution. That is, the design procedure is essentially similar to the previously described.

At enterprises, rationalization is regulated by the Regulation on inventive and rationalization activities and may include the following sections:

  1. Planning and analysis of inventive and rationalization activities. It sounds fantastic how you can plan such an activity. Often at the exit of planning there are dry numbers, and how to do this is completely incomprehensible. It is impossible to plan ideas. In fact, everything is very simple - it is necessary to conduct a survey, identify the most acute problems in the areas of activity and set tasks for their solution. This is called “thematic planning” - for more details see the link http://rzd-expo.ru/
  2. Reporting and document management on inventive and rationalization activities. This is what creative people dislike most. A rationalization idea would be to automate the entire process from Excel and Google Sheets to integration into your CRM or internal website, but they may not count if this is part of your job duties, or such a point has already been planned for work by a senior manager.
  3. Stimulating innovative activities. Payments for ideas and% of the economic effect. If the idea is too profitable for the employer, the maximum amount of lump sum payments or per year is indicated.

How to submit a rationalization proposal without being an employee of the enterprise?

It often happens that it’s more visible from the side. For example, at my grocery store near my house, terminals for card payments are installed in front of the cash register. This is really inconvenient and delays the queue. Until I pay with the card, the next buyer cannot upload the goods. My appeals to the store manager did not give a result - she is not motivated to change, rather the opposite. If the installation location of the terminals opens, she will get caught up for what she did not immediately see. What to do in this case? Turn to a higher management, who is also not very interested in the problems of a small store in a huge network. It is not reasonable for me and myself on such a minor issue to turn to an even higher leadership. Yes, and I do not want to conflict and prove something. You can contact the society of inventors and rationalizers and benefit from such an offer.

  • All-Russian Society of Inventors and Rationalizers http://www.ros-voir.ru/
  • The society of inventors and rationalizers of Ukraine seems to have ceased its activity in 2006. It is possible that they still operate in regional and city councils.
  • Belarusian Society of Inventors and Rationalizers http://belgospatent.by
  • Kazakhstan society of authors of discoveries, inventors and rationalizers exists formally

So, the article addressed the main issues relating to relevance, procedures for registration, recognition and benefits from a rationalization proposal. The team of authors madcash.pro sincerely hopes that it will benefit readers, becoming one of the keys to success in concluding another profitable deal.

Ideas for Innovation Proposals

The main criteria for recognizing a rationalization proposal will be:

  • novelty of technical solution (within the enterprise)
  • economical effect
  • organizational decisions
  • labor protection and industrial safety

In practice, it all depends on the company in which you work, and on management. It is hard to find new technical solutions at a large enterprise - everything is already known and planned (but nothing has been done). Organizational decisions are also not recognized - these are obvious flaws in your leadership. In a small business, the use of spreadsheets and LED lamps can do a bang. If there is no rationalization study, conduct a survey among employees and colleagues: “name 3 things that prevent you from working most”. The more data you have for analysis, the easier it will be to identify the main problems that need to be addressed. Well, then you need to successfully solve the problem using improvised means.

Main directions:

  • special devices not manufactured by industry. Various grips, service platforms, special lifting devices
  • saving energy and other resources
  • automation of workflow and databases. The output should be a document in the prescribed form
  • development of training stands and software systems
  • the use of modern chips and components in outdated equipment

And what about rationalization ideas?

Abroad, all innovations among employees are encouraged with bonuses and bonuses without paperwork and planning. Modern developments can be seen in IT companies. For example, everyone is entitled to a mug or other souvenir with a company logo for a reasonable idea. Large companies are happy to use voluntary ideas from consumers in production. This is called crowdsourcing.

Rail transport has always been distinguished by the massive participation of workers and engineers in technical creativity and the good organization of rationalization activities. It is gratifying to note that these trends continue and develop in spite of everything. I am sure that our innovators and inventors will continue to make a significant contribution to the solution of the tasks facing the company. ( senior Vice President of Russian Railways JSC V. Gapanovich   at the conference “Technical Creativity - the First Step to Innovation” as part of the event “Idea of \u200b\u200bJSC Russian Railways - 2013”)

The importance of rationalization

The railway complex is of particular strategic importance to Russia. It is the connecting link of a single economic system, ensures the stable operation of industrial enterprises, timely delivery of vital goods to the most remote corners of the country, and is also the most affordable transport for millions of citizens.

In order to efficiently and timely fulfill its obligations in the modern dynamic world, our company needs constant development and influx of new ideas. Significant investments annually are directed towards the application of more efficient use of fuel, minimization of energy costs, reduction of operating costs and harmful environmental impacts. An important addition to such investments is the massive participation of a wide range of company employees in technical creativity - rationalization activities.

As you know, the term "rationalization" comes from the Latin word "rationalis" - reasonable, "ratio" - mind and means improving, introducing a more appropriate organization of something. In general, rationalization (rationalization activity) is intended to stimulate the creative efforts of workers to improve the already known technical solutions, to modernize existing equipment and adapt it to specific production and operation conditions.

The rationalization proposal is the result of human creativity and the most massive object of technical creativity. The identification and proper execution of rationalization proposals allows us not only to provide priority, moral and material incentives for the authors, but also testifies to the good organization of the company’s work, the establishment of a creative atmosphere in its structural divisions, which is necessary to improve equipment performance, repair quality, working conditions, reduce labor input, etc.

On rationalization activities in JSC Russian Railways

Russian Railways OJSC was one of the first companies in modern Russia to develop a Regulation on rationalization activities, establishing uniform methodological approaches to implementing rationalization activities in a company, organizing and developing mass technical creativity of employees, and also regulating relations arising in connection with development and use rationalization proposals.

The Company's management pays great attention to the organization and implementation of rationalization activities. The journal "Railway Transport" published on this issue.

Today, over thirty thousand employees actively participating in the development of the company offer about forty thousand rationalization proposals annually.

The main goals of rationalization activities in JSC Russian Railways are:

· The revitalization and further development of mass technical creativity of the employees of Russian Railways, as one of the most important conditions for the scientific, technical and innovative development of the company;

· Providing legal and legal protection of rationalization and inventive activity;

· Increasing the interest of Russian Railways employees in the results of their work through moral and material incentives for technical creativity.

   Organization of rationalization activities in JSC Russian Railways

Regulation of rationalization activities in Russian Railways

The main documents governing rationalization activities at Russian Railways are the Regulation on rationalization activities at Russian Railways and the Procedure for reviewing, using, determining the effectiveness of the rationalization proposal and determining the amount of remuneration and bonuses for assisting authors of the rationalization proposal, approved by order of March 03, 2014 N 552r as amended by the order of JSC Russian Railways dated 10.12.2014 No. 2911r.

About the rationalization proposal

A rationalization proposal in accordance with the Regulation on rationalization activities in Russian Railways, approved by order of 03.03.2014 N 552r as amended by order of Russian Railways dated 10.12.2014 No. 2911r, recognizes a technical and technological solution that is new and useful for OJSC " Russian Railways ”, which slightly changes the design of the equipment, the technology used and the composition of the material.

A proposal is recognized as new if, prior to filing an application in the established form, this or an identical decision:

not submitted to the structural unit, that is, it is not known as a proposal recognized as rationalization or rejected;

not used in this structural unit, except when this decision was used on the initiative of the author for no more than 3 months before submitting the application;

it was not the result of research, development and technological work, design work carried out for the structural unit;

it was not provided for by the structural unit with administrative documents (orders or orders of the administration), it was not developed by the employees of this structural unit, or it was not announced by another person who has an earlier priority, which is determined by the date of registration with the structural unit;

was not recommended by a higher division of Russian Railways or published in informational publications on disseminating best practices in this industry, including recorded in the form of an information card in the ACS NTI and the NTR database of the Center for Scientific and Technical Information and Libraries;

it was not provided for by standards (standards, specifications, etc.) that were binding on the Russian Railways division.

A proposal is deemed useful if it allows the structural unit to obtain an economic, technical or other positive effect, for example, improving traffic safety, improving working conditions.

The essence of the rationalization proposal can be expressed in the features of the constructive implementation of objects, in the mutual arrangement of parts and components of objects; in changing the sequence and order of performing production cycle techniques, introducing new operations and excluding operations, conditions and modes of their execution, in changing the quantitative ratio of components, introducing or excluding other ingredients that make up the materials.

A rationalization proposal (RP) is recognized as such if:

    is new;

    can solve technical problems;

    gives a visible positive effect.

What should be the significance of novelty?

It is often difficult to separate the RP from the invention, since both of them are homogeneous in nature and can have significant scales. For example, rationalization, affecting the manufacture of manual watches in the millionth volume, will give greater profit and savings than creating one unique device that helps to assemble the same watch manually. Novelty can be considered significant if it:

    matters at the level of world equipment;

    solves the task posed by production;

    introduces important new elements into an existing solution.

It is noteworthy that the rationalization proposal can be confirmed, even if it was previously known, but not applied in a particular production. These subtleties can be understood by the example of sewing production. Suppose employees in a clothing workshop in the summer suffer from heat, amplified by the heating of electric lamps. There was a need to lower the temperature. To do this, the innovator proposed replacing the electric lamps in the lampshades with “housekeepers” (daylight). The issue of temperature reduction has been resolved.

On the one hand, both types of light source are already familiar to the world. Nevertheless, this is a rationalization proposal, since in this production such lamps were not yet installed in lampshades.

Types of offers:

    rationalization (new only for a specific industry enterprise);

    industry (has significance in the whole industry);

    intersectoral (affects several different areas).

RP groups

    Innovations in production technology - technical proposals. This may be the improvement of devices, assemblies, machines, apparatuses, tools, etc. Changes related to the product itself (other style, color, size, etc.) also belong here. A rationalization proposal may affect production technology (improving brightness, strength, etc.), safety procedures, etc.

    Offers organizational and production. They do not change production technology, but can improve productivity. This may include saving energy, materials, reducing equipment costs, etc.

Before embarking on the legitimization of the idea, give it a "presentation". Clearly define how your proposal will benefit, by whom, when, and how the idea will be used. Check out previous similar solutions. How is your decision better? Performance, efficiency, safety, comfort and other characteristics should be translated into the language of numbers. To do this, first conduct an economic analysis. All considerations are written in a table for a clearer perception by people who will consider your rationalization proposal. All diagrams, graphs and verbal descriptions should not occupy more than two pages. Express only the essence.

What does an example of a rationalization proposal look like? The application is compiled on standard sheets A4. At the top left, we indicate the addressee (as a rule, the head of the enterprise), on the right, a “heading” is drawn: an interdepartmental standard form with the number P1 and a code according to the documentation (management) classifier. In the same place, but a little lower, we write: “Registered, No.”. We leave a place for the date. Even lower in the width of the sheet is a table showing the authors of the rationalization proposal. In the first column - number (personnel), in the second - full name, in the third indicates the place of work (residence), then - position, education, date of birth. Even lower (center): “Application for a rationalization proposal.” Further: “We ask (if from one person, then in the singular) to consider the submitted proposal, indicated under No. (the number is written), recognize the introduction as rationalization and accept it for use. The next line (below, also in the center): "Description of the proposal." Next, the prepared text with calculations and tables is inserted. At the end we add: "Distribution of remuneration." Below, under this phrase: “This proposal has not been considered anywhere before (not submitted anywhere). I confirm the following: I really have the rights to this proposal, since I am its author. ” If the innovation is classified as secret, the proposal is recognized as secret, and the author undertakes to comply with the rules of secrecy, as indicated in the statement. Next, after the mark “Attached” is a list of graphic materials, calculations, justifications. At the very end, they must indicate “Total sheets ...”, the author’s signature and date. The next sheet is given to the section “Conclusions on the rational proposal”. It is obligatory to have at least two reviews (for example, from the workshop and from the chief mechanic), which are certified with signatures (with the date of recall and the position indicated). If the proposal concerns the field of labor protection, we need one more recommendation from a specialist in this field.

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