The Shekhart Deming cycle includes. How to conduct sales meetings


The concept

The PDCA Process Control Cycle is also called the Deming-Shuhart Principle. It is a cyclically repeating action algorithm for managing the process and achieving its goals. This approach is based on a continuous process of improving activities and is implemented through the principle of continuous improvement. The cycle contains 4 main stages:

Thus: - initially planned indicators - parameters that the process must satisfy and an action plan is developed to obtain the required parameters.
  - then the planned properties are implemented
  - after which the process is monitored as a comparison of the obtained indicators with the planned values.
  - when deviations are identified, their causes are determined, after which the process is adjusted in such a way as to eliminate the identified causes. After the implementation of corrective measures, the compliance of the resulting quality indicators with their planned values \u200b\u200bis checked again. The cycle repeats until the result matches the plan.
  The activities within the cycle can be represented as follows

  It should be noted that the PDCA cycle can be applied not only to the line of activity and the process as a whole, but also to each subprocess individually

Life example

Let's look at the shading of a cycle as an example of going to the store. Where does the collection begin? From the analysis: products, available money, etc., making a list, choosing a store and all that sort of thing. What happens next? We go to the store and purchase objects.

And now - the most interesting. control begins - that is, COMPARISON of what we planned to buy and what we really scored! And here there can be various variations: Has everything come together? fine! Not all? What are the differences? Have you bought more? Necessary or superfluous? If necessary, then we initially incorrectly compiled a list and forgot something, right? If too much, then something needs to be done with this)

Have you bought less? Why? Did you forget something? So it's time to improve your memory! Not in this store? So, we will improve the choice of the store! No in the Russian Federation! What to do! Sanctions!

The most important thing is that then comes the stage of improvement! And our task is to introduce improvements! And not only if something did NOT fit together! even if we did everything the way it should, we can improve the technology! To constantly improve something! Or even to train Husband to go to the store !!!))))

Please, make your own example of the implementation of the cycle on everyday topics.

And now - an example of the case-by-case cycle:

Process approach

The concept

The process approach continues the theme of the cycle and reveals it. This approach represents activity as a set of processes (with subprocesses) that create a result. The general scheme can be represented as follows. Association: BEADS: everything is strung on one another. Output number 1 is the input of process number 2, etc. - the thread stretches

Life example

We already went to the store, which means that soon we may want to make a sandwich!

Case Example

And the meaning :)

So that everything is done sequentially and efficiently, and NOT through the "rear":

Thus, the process approach helps us to carefully plan an action / event, etc., not to miss anything, but only to improve everything !!! Please sketch your examples!

Management seeks to develop effective ways to manage production and product quality. There are several approaches to solving this problem. We present the authors of the theory of continuous improvement of the processes of Walter Schuhart and William Deming, whose control cycle is known throughout the world. They suggest that, despite the large difference in production, the algorithm of actions for all systems is the same. Let's talk about the essence of this theory and how to apply this model in practice.

Production management concept

The organization of a process, the impact on various objects is called not only found in production, each person has to organize his life, make many different decisions, achieve goals. Therefore, management is such a wide area of \u200b\u200bactivity that goes far beyond the scope of creating products or services. The idea of \u200b\u200bW. Deming, whose management cycle we are considering, is that management exists in almost all areas of human activity, and they have a common procedure. Any management is associated with the collection and processing of information, with decision-making, coordination of processes, forecasting, monitoring and evaluation of effectiveness. Modern management considers many processes, including production, as projects. And an integral attribute of any project is quality. In this connection, there appears such a special area as quality management.

The basic principle of quality management

In any area of \u200b\u200bproduction, quality management systems are being introduced in accordance with international standards. They are aimed at ensuring stable quality of manufactured goods or services. Quality management is based on several basic principles. These include orientation to the consumer and his needs, involvement and motivation of employees, making realistic decisions based on facts, leadership of the leader and continuous improvement of quality. It was about the implementation of the last principle that the researchers who created the cycle of Deming and Shekhart pondered. Quality improvement is the permanent goal of every organization. It covers all levels of the enterprise, from individuals to the leader, the production environment and the final product. To improve quality, one of two methods can be used: breakthrough and gradual. It is achieved through the implementation of standardization, analysis and measurement, as well as optimization and rationalization.

Concept of shuharat

The American management consultant, the renowned scientist Walter Schuhart, as far back as 1930, deeply explores the issues of industrial product quality management. His work on control charts, which are a means of fixing observations of the stability and predictability of any processes, has become a serious stage in the development of management. Over the years, he has been collecting statistics on the control of production processes. And the peak of his scientific work was the Deming-Shekhart management cycle. In his books, he substantiates the statistical method of controlling the stable quality of production processes and final products. In management, Shuhart identifies three main stages: the development of technical specifications and specifications for the production of future products, production in accordance with the specification, checking the quality of the product and its compliance with the specified parameters. Later, the scientist converts this scheme into a 4-step model:

  1. Product design.
  2. Product manufacture and laboratory testing.
  3. Product launch on the market.
  4. Verification of goods in action, consumer assessment.

W. Shuhart put forward the process method as the most productive in management. His ideas had a huge impact on the development of control theory.

Deming Concept

The student of W. Schuhart, William Edwards Deming, undertook to finalize and improve his theory. He became the creator of the concept and general organizational method of universal quality management. Deming substantiated the view that enterprise quality improvement is associated with the improvement of three areas: production, personnel and products. Also, as a result of many years of research, a system has emerged that is primarily associated with Deming's developments. The quality improvement cycle, according to the scientist, has no end, but has a circular character. He identified two main mechanisms for improving business: quality assurance (production improvement, etc.) and quality improvement. According to the scientist, it is not enough to maintain a decent level of quality, you need to constantly strive to increase its level. The updated Deming cycle includes stages of a slightly different nature. These are: planning, implementation, verification and action. Let us dwell on the characteristics of each stage in more detail.


First of all, the Shekhart-Deming cycle includes such an important stage as product development and production design. According to researchers, entrepreneurs should constantly plan product improvements. And for this, set new goals, evaluate resources, draw up an optimal plan of action, appoint performers and deadlines. At this stage, it is important to find problems and solutions. To discover the reserves for improvement, it is necessary to carefully analyze the situation, the production process, the market. Analytical actions will help identify potential for improvement. Also at this stage, detailed improvement plans are drawn up, and a production strategy is developed. A high-quality plan allows us to foresee force majeure circumstances and lay a solid foundation for business.


Implementation of the plan is an important part of management. The Deming cycle involves the separation of the implementation phase as a separate stage of quality management. At this stage, Deming recommends that you first begin implementing small-scale plans to prevent large-scale losses in the event of failure. When implementing plans, it is important to strictly follow the developed instructions and specifications. The manager must carefully track the actions at each technological step in order to comply with all requirements. In Deming's concept, this stage is rather a stage of testing, approbation, rather than mass production. Launching in a series no longer requires such close attention of the leader, but the first launches are extremely important. The manager must be 100% convinced that all technologies are respected, because this is precisely what guarantees the quality.


After the launch of mass production, scientists recommend a diagnostic study. Deming's cycle includes a large analytical stage, where it is necessary to evaluate how the process is going, to try to find new potential for improving quality. It is also necessary to assess the perception of the goods or services by the consumer. To do this, conduct testing, focus groups, analysis of customer reviews. Also at this stage, it is necessary to carry out diagnostics of the course of processes, their compliance with technological standards. In addition, an assessment of the work of personnel is carried out, quality control of the work of employees and products is carried out according to key performance indicators (KPI). If any deviations from the specified parameters are detected, then a search is made for the reasons for this.


The last stage of the Deming cycle is the elimination of detected violations and shortcomings. At this stage, all possible actions are taken in order to obtain the planned product quality. Documentation and written consolidation of the results in the form of specifications and instructions are also carried out. The Deming cycle, the stages of which are associated with different stages of quality control, involves a circular motion. Therefore, after all the shortcomings and points of a possible loss of quality have been eliminated, you should again return to the first level and begin to look for new opportunities for improvement. The experience gained in the cycle is necessarily used at the next round; it helps minimize costs and improve product quality.

The main principles of Deming

Deciphering his theory, the scientist formulates a number of postulates, which were called "The principles of Deming." The quality improvement cycle is based on them and comes from them. The most important principles include the following:

Constancy of goals. Quality improvement, as the dominant goal, should be consistently achieved both within the framework of strategy and tactics.

The manager is personally responsible for quality.

Quality control should not be massive; it must be integrated into the production system itself.

Norms and assignments must be carefully substantiated and realistic.

It is necessary to encourage the desire of staff to education, to motivate employees to improve their skills.

Improving quality should be part of the mission and philosophy of the company, and first of all, managers should become its adherents.

Employees should be able to be proud of the results of their work.

Subsequently, based on these postulates, the main principles of the international quality system were formulated.

Application of the Shekhart-Deming cycle

The Deming-Shuhart model was called the “PDCA cycle” and is actively used in modern management practice. The Deming cycle, an example of which can be found in the organization of work of almost all large world corporations, is a recognized tool for improving product quality. This concept was most fully and consistently perceived in. In this country, Deming was perceived as a national hero, he received several awards, including from the hands of the emperor. Also in Japan, the Deming Prize is established. At the beginning of the 21st century, the concept began to be actively used in Russian management; it is the basis for the development of international and domestic quality standards.

It should be noted that the methodology known as the cycle can be applied to all processes in the QMS model PDCA   or Deming cycle. E. Deming developed the concept of W. Schuhart about continuous (process) quality improvement and introduced the use of the cycle in the practice of production management PDCA   The Deming cycle is a model of continuous quality improvement. It consists of a logical sequence of four repeating stages for continuous quality improvement: plan, do, check, act. Plan   (planning) - the development of policies, goals and processes necessary to achieve results in accordance with the requirements of consumers; Do   (implementation, action) - implementation of processes; Check   (control) - continuous verification of products, processes for comparison with the policies, goals and requirements of the products; Act   (action) - actions to continuously improve process indicators.

The Deming cycle is usually illustrated by a management scheme for any type of activity, including the quality management process (Fig. 4.6).

Fig. 4.6.

Deming's cycle is primarily aimed at combating the three main, as the Japanese believe, enemies - 3MU:

  •   losses (all types of actions that consume resources without creating value) - muda;
  •   inconsistencies (any deviation from the process, both good and bad) - tiga;
  •   irrational actions (overload, work with voltage) - muri.

Cycle PDCA   can be applied to all processes and the quality management system as a whole. In fig. 4.7 shows how sections 4-10 of GOST R ISO 9001-2015 can be grouped in accordance with the cycle PDCA

Section 5. Leadership.Top management must demonstrate leadership and commitment to the quality management system through:

  •   assuming responsibility for the effectiveness of the quality management system;
  •   ensuring the development of policies and goals in the field of quality that are consistent with the environmental conditions of the organization and its strategic direction;
  •   ensuring the integration of the requirements of the quality management system in the business processes of the organization;
  •   promoting a process-based approach and risk-based thinking;
  •   dissemination in the organization of the importance of effective quality management and compliance with the requirements of the quality management system;
  •   ensuring the achievement by the quality management system of the intended results;
  • involvement, leadership and support for employee participation in ensuring the effectiveness of the quality management system;

Fig. 4.7.

  •   ensuring the availability of resources necessary for a quality management system;
  •   support improvements;
  •   supporting other relevant leaders in demonstrating leadership in their area of \u200b\u200bresponsibility.

Section 6. Planning.Planning in the standard is considered in the following areas (Fig. 4.8): 1) actions in relation to risks and opportunities; 2) goals in the field of quality and planning for their achievement; 3) change planning.

Section7. Means of security.The standard includes resources, competence, awareness, information exchange to the means of support.

Resources.   The resources include the standard human resources, infrastructure, environment for the functioning of processes, resources for monitoring and measurement, knowledge of the organization.

Competence.   The organization must, firstly, determine the necessary competence of persons performing work under its control, which affects the results of operations and the effectiveness of the quality management system; secondly, to ensure the competence of these persons on the basis of appropriate education, training and experience.

Fig. 4.8.

Awareness.   The organization shall ensure that relevant persons performing work under the direction of management are aware of the quality policy; relevant quality objectives; its contribution to the performance of the QMS, including the benefits of improving performance; consequences of non-compliance with the requirements of the QMS.

Information exchange.   The organization shall determine the procedure for internal and external exchange of information related to the quality management system, including: what information will be transmitted; when will be transmitted; to whom it will be transmitted; how it will be transmitted; who will transmit the information.

Section 8. Activities at the stages of the life cycle of products and services.This section describes the organization’s activities at the stages of the product life cycle in the following areas: planning and management of activities; analysis of requirements for products and services; design and development of products and services; management of processes, products and services supplied by external suppliers; production of goods and the provision of services; output; Managing inappropriate process results.

Section 9. Performance evaluation.Assessment of performance includes the following areas: monitoring, measurement, analysis and evaluation; internal audit; management analysis.

Section 10. Improvement.The organization must identify and select opportunities for improvement and take the necessary actions to meet customer requirements and increase customer satisfaction. This procedure includes: improving products and services to meet requirements, as well as taking into account future needs and expectations; correction, prevention or reduction of the influence of undesirable effects; improving the results of operations and the effectiveness of the quality management system.

  •   Buzyrev V.V., Yudenko M.N. Quality management in construction: textbook, manual. St. Petersburg. : GIORD, 2009.S. 129.
  •   Yudenko M.N. Quality management systems in construction: textbook, manual. St. Petersburg. : Publishing House of SPbGEU, 2017.

PDCA cycle is a cyclic sequence of actions when performing a task aimed at continuous improvement of quality. The PDCA cycle can be deciphered as - Plan-Do-Check-Act (English) planning-action-check-adjustment. For the first time this abbreviation was described by W. Schuhart in the book “Statistical Methods from the Point of View of Quality Management” in 1939. In this book, he described how the cyclical fulfillment of the functions of enterprise management with flexible management, ready to introduce new ideas and get rid of bad experiences, lead to success. Later, a student of Shekhart, Edward Deming, gave the PDCA cycle great publicity because it inspired the Japanese to use it, and they called the PDCA cycle - the Deming cycle. At the same time, Deming himself called him in honor of the teacher - the Shekhart cycle.

At the moment, the PDCA cycle has several names, but the essence of this does not change. It should be noted that Edward Deming replaced the “verification” stage with “study” (from the English Study), which is why the Deming cycle is sometimes called PDSA. In fact, all of the following terms mean the same thing:

  • PDCA cycle
  • PDSA cycle
  • Deming cycle
  • The Deming-Shuhart cycle
  • Shuhart cycle

Application of PDCA cycle.

In order to understand how to apply the PDCA cycle in practice, let's first analyze it in paragraphs.


The planning stage should answer the questions “what to do?” and "how to do it?" You need not only to determine the goals and the desired result. But also to understand what resources, including temporary, must be used to achieve the goals. At this stage, it is also worth considering force majeure and all possible options for the development of the situation. is of great importance, this is a kind of foundation for a successfully completed task.


On the one hand, everything is simple - do what you planned. In fact, how do we encounter the so-called “human factor”. Unfortunately, employees do not always adhere to the plan, even if they themselves drew up it.


At the verification stage, it is necessary to compare the result with the planned goals. It is also important to estimate how much resources have been expended. For objectivity and better measurability of the results, it is best to use the more specific and measurable goal, the easier it is to evaluate the result.


At this stage, you need to make an adjustment that will help you carry out new planning. It is important for you to understand how, based on existing experience in performing this task, to improve its implementation the next time.

The meaningful implementation of the PDCA cycle leads to an improvement in the quality of the work performed, and also helps to significantly reduce costs. Although the implementation of the cycle itself is inevitable and it will be carried out continuously, not everyone understands how much it is possible to increase efficiency when introducing changes and new practices. In times of scientific and technological progress, many tasks can be performed much more efficiently using the latest technologies.

American scientist William Edward Deming was an American statistician. It is associated with the rise of Japan as a manufacturing nation and the invention of universal quality management.( Total Quality Management (TQM) . Deming traveled to Japan immediately after World War II to help conduct a census of Japan. While he was there, he taught “statistical process control” to Japanese engineers — a set of methods that enabled them to produce high-quality goods without expensive machinery.

Deming came to the conclusion that quality can be controlled and, therefore, it can be controlled (and these words are not synonyms).

By comparing the selected quality indicators in a certain way with their planned values, the manufacturer discovers a certain discrepancy. Then he searches for the cause of this discrepancy, exercises some influence on the process (corrects the process), compares the values \u200b\u200bof the indicators with the planned ones again, etc. This cycle is carried out quality control.

The objects of product quality management are all elements that form quality loop. Under quality loop   in accordance with international ISO standards, they understand the product life cycle closed in the form of a ring (Figure 1), which includes, to one degree or another, the main stages of the product life cycle.

Figure 1 - Appearance of the quality loop

Here MTS is the material and technical supply

Using quality loop   the manufacturer interacts with the consumer and with all objects that provide solutions to product quality management problems.

Product quality management is carried out cyclically and goes through certain stages, called the Deming loop. The implementation of such a cycle is called deming cycle turnover.

The concept of the Deming cycle is not limited only to product quality management, but is also related to any management and household activities.

The sequence of stages of the Deming cycle is shown in Figure 2 and includes 4 stages:

      planning (PLAN)   - setting goals and actions necessary for their achievement, allocation of resources;

      implementation (implementation) (DO)    - performance of planned work;

      control (check) (CHECK)    - collection of information on the progress of work;

      impact management (correction, adjustment) (ACTION)   - taking measures to eliminate deviations detected at the previous stage.

Figure 2 - Appearance of the Deming cycle

This is the so-called pdcaDeming cycle. He, as a rule, is present at development and start of processes. The purpose of the actions in this cycle is to bring an object to the required state. The cycle is repeated many times.

If PLAN (planning) is replaced by STANDARD (standard), then another kind of Deming cycle is formed - sdcaDeming cycle.

Lecture 2. Classification of quality indicators


Study questions:

    The concept of a quality indicator.

    Single, complex, basic and integral indicators.

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